Angela's Ashes Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The boys at the post office say I must be having a great time with the shilling tip and Theresa Carmody. I never tell them I stopped taking the shilling tip. I never tell them about the green sofa and the excitement. I never tell them of the pain that comes when she opens the door and I can see the weakness on her and all I want to do then is make tea for her and sit with my arms around her on the green sofa. (15.121)

Frank loses his virginity to Theresa, but she also awakens feelings of tenderness and protectiveness. This sexual experience is an important part of his coming-of-age, but it also brings up lots of other grown-up issues for him to grapple with: loss, guilt, and forgiveness.