Angela's Ashes Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I want the job. I want to bring home the shilling. I want to be a man.

You can be a man without bringing home the shilling. Go upstairs and rest your eyes or it's a blind man you'll be. (11.89-90)

Angela sees the pressure Frank's putting on himself and how it's affecting his health. Even though he's a big help to Mr. Hannon, Mrs. Hannon regrets giving Frank the job. She tells him that his job is to go to school.

Quote #8

Mrs. Hannon always calls me Frank now. Anyone that delivers hundredweights of coal is not a Frankie. (11.125)

A change of name is usually symbolically important in a story. It means the character has achieved something or transformed himself or herself into someone different. Kinda like how Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader. Or Snoop Dog becoming Snoop Lion. Or the Biblical Jacob becoming Israel.

Quote #9

It's hard to sleep when you know the next day you're fourteen and starting your first job as a man. (15.1)

We've all been there, the night before the big day, when getting some shut-eye seems impossible. And this is a big moment for Frank. It means he'll finally be able to make some money and start saving for America. How does Frank see his life changing when he becomes a man? What does working mean to him other than a way of making money?