And Then There Were None Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Some people thought so little of death that they actually took their own lives. (11.161)

This little aside by Miss Brent gives us a coy little hint at Vera’s eventual demise. The irony is, though, that Vera kills herself because she thinks so much of death. Clever, clever.

Quote #8

And then they saw her face—suffused with blood, with blue lips and starting eyes.
Blore said:

“My God, she’s dead!” (12.85-87)

The one good thing about dying in And Then There Were None is that at least it proves you’re not the murderer. (Unless, of course, you’re faking your own death—but you’ll have to head on over to our “Lies and Deceit” theme for the story on that.) Miss Brent conveniently dies just as everyone was getting suspicious of her religious mania.

Quote #9

And they will find ten dead bodies and an unsolved problem on Soldier Island. (E.202)

The dead don’t talk—unless they’re Justice Wargrave and plan everything so well that they manage to announce their evil genius from beyond the grave. Thanks for clearing up that big mystery, dude.