And Then There Were None Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“None of us are going to leave this island. That’s the plan. You know it, of course, perfectly. What, perhaps, you can’t understand is the relief!” (8.112)

General Macarthur meets death like a boss. He’s not afraid of Wargrave’s scheme; in fact, he waits for it on that rock patiently and is treats it like a reward.

Quote #5

“She’d only do that if she knew that she had nothing to fear. That’s to say if she herself is the criminal.” (11.107)

Blore becomes convinced that Miss Brent is the killer because she’s not afraid of death, which is actually pretty sound reasoning. Actually, though, she’s not afraid because she thinks that she’s morally superior to everyone else. Wear that armor of God, Miss Brent!

Quote #6

Dying! It was as though a sharp little gimlet had run into the sold congealed mess of Emily Brent’s brain. Dying? But she wasn’t going to die! The others would die—yes—but not she, Emily Brent. (11.160)

On top of being morally righteous, Miss Brent is also clearly delusional. She believes that she’s so above everyone else that she can survive based off of her moral rectitude alone. Umm, not so much, Miss Brent.