And Then There Were None Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Why think of that now? All that was over—over… Cyril had disappeared long before she got near the rock. She had felt the current take her, sweeping her out to sea. (11.141)

Poor Vera. More than almost any other character, she just can’t stop thinking about Cyril. We’re sure it doesn’t help that Wargrave chose an island for his little game—probably specifically to drive Vera crazy.

Quote #8

Last night she had dreamed of Beatrice—dreamt that she was outside pressing her face against the window and moaning, asking to be let in. (11.161)

Yeah, Miss Brent may be thinking about Beatrice again, but we’re pretty sure that if Beatrice showed up right now, Emily would just slam that window down on her fingers.

Quote #9

She shivered as she remembered that cold clammy touch on her neck. (14.90)

Much like your friend who just can’t get over the fact that Clay Aiken came in second (seriously, get over it already), Vera just can’t stop obsessing about Cyril’s death. Even the seaweed triggers memories for her.