And Then There Were None Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Dr. Armstrong was dreaming…

It was very hot in the operating room… (6.1-2)

Wargrave’s particular brand of psychosis involves making everyone relive their experiences before killing them. Like Miss Brent, Dr. Armstrong can’t get away from some pretty terrifying dreams when he falls asleep.

Quote #5

“I don’t now. I—don’t know. It was all different, you see. I don’t know if Leslie ever guessed… I don’t think so. But, you see, I didn’t know about her anymore. She’d gone far away where I couldn’t reach her. And then she died—and I was alone…” (8.134)

For someone who spends a lot of time feeling guilty, General Macarthur sure has hazy memories about that time—almost as though his crime wasn’t actually worth it.

Quote #6

She looked down at the notebook. With an angry exclamation she scored through the vague unevenly scrawled characters of the last sentence. (10.110)

Oh, look at that: Miss Brent might actually be thinking of Beatrice again. Don’t worry, though—not for long. Scratching through those characters is a pretty clear sign that she’s not interested in reliving the past.