And Then There Were None Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7


“Thanks, can I cut you some bread?”

Six people, behaving normally at breakfast… (11.176-178)

The characters are awfully polite to each other. We’re pretty sure if we were in this situation, we’d be throwing the marmalade and bread up in the air as we ran screaming away from the table. But then, we’re not British.

Quote #8

“Only this. I propose that the doctor’s supply of drugs, my own sulphonal tablets, your revolver and everything else in the nature of drugs or firearms should be collected together and placed in a safe place.” (12.139)

Clever Wargrave creates order amongst the terrified people on Soldier Island in order to make them feel like he’s working with them. Like they’re one big happy family facing off against the murder—who just happens to be him. Teamwork!

Quote #9

There was little pretence now—no formal veneer of conversation. They were five enemies linked together by a mutual instinct of self-preservation. (13.4)

We’re getting a definite Hunger Games vibe here. Alliances are fine when there are a lot of you, but it’s hard to continue to be buddy-buddy as the numbers shrink. When there are only five people left, who do you trust?