And Then There Were None Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Receiving an assent to this, the curtains were drawn and the lamps turned on. The room grew more cheerful. A little of the shadow lifted. Surely, by tomorrow, the storm would be over and someone would come—a boat would arrive… (10.117)

Even when they are convinced that the killer is one of them, the characters in And Then There Were None are still fully capable of socializing and hanging out with each other. That’s the British stiff upper lip in action.

Quote #5

Tea! Bless ordinary everyday afternoon tea! Philip Lombard made a cheery remark. Blore responded. Dr. Armstrong told a humorous story. Mr. Justice Wargrave, who ordinarily hated tea, sipped approvingly. (10.123)

Ah, the British. Even in the midst of mysterious murders and forced isolation on an island, there’s always time for tea.

Quote #6

She turned and went across the yard into the kitchen saying: “Miss Brent and I are getting you breakfast. Can you—bring some sticks to light the fire?” (11.75)

Rogers may have just been killed while chopping sticks, but that doesn’t mean the efficiency machine of Soldier Island is going to slow down. Vera has a brief fit of hysterics but quickly gets it together and heads back to making breakfast. Hey, even murderers have to eat.