American Born Chinese Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #10


This is the epic battle between Danny and Chin-Kee. We find out that Chin-Kee isn't just a stereotype of a sinister Fu Manchu—he's also a super kung-fu master who can beat Danny to a pulp. However, that doesn't stop Danny from getting the last punch in—the punch that knocks off Chin-Kee's head. What is this battle really about though? It's Danny literally beating the stereotypes that haunt him. Is all the violence necessary? We're kind of torn about that. On one hand, Danny's only able to arrive at the truth of the matter—Chin-Kee is the Monkey King, just like Danny is really Jin—after he beats these stereotypes up, so maybe the violence is needed, but on the other hand it seems really excessive, like a teenaged boy's kung-fu fantasy.