American Born Chinese Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Panel)

Quote #7


Wei-Chen and Suzy are teasing Jin about his crush on Amelia, which makes Jin feel bad. But all three of them really feel awful when Timmy passes by and says to his friend, "'Hey, I chink it's getting a little nippy out there'" and his friend responds, "'You're right! I'm getting' gook bumps!'" Really not cool of Timmy, but we already know that Timmy's a mean jerk. What's interesting is how the three friends—who were on the verge of bickering before—all end up having the same expressions and feelings: shame and sadness. Misery loves company, right?

Quote #8


After Greg tells Jin to leave Amelia alone, Jin daydreams in class about beating Greg up. But when it comes time to confront Greg outside of class, Jin can't follow through on his violent fantasy. What does he do instead? He tries to take Suzy away from Wei-Chen. So Jin's not exactly a class act; he's kind of a coward and a wimp. But here's a thought: Why Jin can't imagine any other solution to the Greg problem other than a violent one?

Quote #9


Because Jin does the awful thing of kissing Wei-Chen's girl, he gets punched twice: once by Suzy, another time by Wei-Chen. Which kind of shows how something like an unwanted kiss and violation of trust can be forms of violence too—one that results in a violent response.