Family Quotes in A Thousand Splendid Suns

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It is strange, Laila thinks, almost unsettling, the thing between Aziza and Tariq. Already Aziza is finishing his sentences and he hers. She hands him things before he asks for them. (4.48.15)

This passage makes the argument that family goes deeper than simply "the people you grew up with." Tariq and Aziza have so many common traits that it's easy to forget that they only met a year earlier.

Quote #8

That night, Zalmai wakes up coughing. Before Laila can move, Tariq swings his legs over the side of the bed. He straps on his prosthesis and walks over to Zalmai, lifts him up into his arms. (4.49.38)

Zalmai is hesitant toward Tariq at first. On some level, he knows that Tariq has replaced Rasheed and that Rasheed isn't coming back. Eventually, though, Tariq proves himself to be a good father to Zalmai by caring for him through thick and thin.

Quote #9

I regret that I did not make you a daughter to me, that I let you live in that place for all those years. And for what? Fear of losing face? […] How little those things matter to me now after all the loss, all the terrible things I have seen in this cursed war. (4.50.150)

There are few moments in the novel as powerful as this. It's clear from the start that Jalil loves Mariam, but he seems incapable of expressing it out of fear. It's not until he is stripped of the things that he clings to most that he's able to see how important Mariam was to him.