Education Quotes in A Thousand Splendid Suns

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She pictured herself in a classroom with other girls her age. Mariam longed to place a ruler on a page and draw important-looking lines. (1.3.26)

Education is not valued in Mariam's childhood home. As a result, she romanticizes the idea of learning. In truth, her lack of education is directly tied to the persecution she feels as a harami.

Quote #2

"[T]he husband fancies himself some kind of educated intellectual. But he's a mouse. Look at him. Doesn't he look like a mouse?" (1.12.13)

Rasheed's attitude towards the educated is part and parcel with the Taliban's. In his eyes, intelligence is tied to weakness in men. And women? Well, why would you even teach them in the first place?

Quote #3

A society has no chance at success if its women are uneducated, Laila. No chance. (2.16.56)

Babi, on the other hand, is a devout believer in the importance of education. His dedication to the education of women stands out, as there are so few pro-women male voices in the novel.