12 Monkeys Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from 12 Monkeys.

Quote #10

PETERS: Excuse me.

ASTROPHYSICIST: It's obscene, all the violence, all the lunacy. Shootings even at airports now. You might say that we're the next endangered species. Human beings.

PETERS [panting]: I think you're right, ma'am. I think you've hit the nail on the head.

ASTROPHYSICIST [shakes Peters' hand]: Jones is my name. I'm in insurance.

And so we come to the ever-ambiguous ending of 12 Monkeys. There are several different ways to read this scene, but if we look at it through the lens of power, we have to wonder what Jones means by, "I'm in insurance." Is she the insurance in case Cole failed his mission? Or is she ensuring that the future continues as is, leading to a world where she and her scientific comrades maintain power over society?