Guide Mentor


Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis


We were hesitant to include the Scientists in the mentor role because, depending on your understanding of the film, they could be seen as the true villains. But they deserve to be included here because that's the role they play throughout the film.

Like a panel of humorless Obi-Wan Kenobis, the Scientists provide Cole with his objectives and then tell him how to proceed. Additionally, like any good mentor, they have more knowledge and experience, and they impart that knowledge onto Cole. For example, they give him clues about the Army of the 12 Monkeys and the path the virus took.

At times, they even appear to care, such as when they try to help Cole recover with an off-key rendition of "Blueberry Hill." And caring about a pupil is a sign of a card-carrying mentor character.

Returning to those conspiratorial readings we mentioned earlier, the Scientists truly are Cole's mentors, even if they only mentor him to get what they want. Hey, you don't have to be a saint to be a teacher.