


Character Role Analysis

Dr. Railly

Dr. Railly is a bestselling author, romantic interest for Cole, and also a perfect foil. Is there nothing this woman can't do? Other than, you know, recognize an apocalyptic sociopath when one asks her to sign a book?

Anyway, a foil is a character who provides contrast with another character. Railly is Cole's foil because she is a psychiatrist, and Cole may or may not be insane. It's about as cut and dry as a foil gets, seeing as psychiatrists tend to contrast crazy people for a living. And 12 Monkeys is no exception here.

Cole is convinced the future is doomed and he needs to save it; Railly is convinced he is mentally ill. Every time he asserts something about humanity's dismal future, Railly has a rational argument against it. This exchange in the hotel room provides a perfect example of what we're talking about:

RAILLY: What was the dream about?

COLE: About an airport. Before everything happened. It's the same dream I always have. When I was a kid.

RAILLY: And I was in it? What did I do?

COLE [sighs]: You were very upset. You're always very upset in the dream. Just never knew it was you.

RAILLY: It wasn't me before, James. It's become me now because of what's happening. [Sighs.] Could you please untie me?

COLE [shakes his head]: No, I think it was always you. Very strange.

RAILLY: You're flushed, and you were moaning. I think you're running a fever.

See what we mean? Railly is always present to provide a counterpoint for Cole's perspective on the situation.

Later in the film, Cole becomes convinced that he really is crazy, and in true foil fashion, Railly switches her position and tries to convince him he's onto something. This dance between the characters goes on until the very end of the story, at which point both of them realize the danger that Dr. Peters represents and try to stop him.