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Writing a Cohesive Essay 1167 Views
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This video defines coherence and covers how to arrange your thesis, evidence, analysis, and reflection into a cohesive essay. It emphasizes the importance of structure and strong personal style in writing a cohesive essay.
- 00:04
writing a cohesive essay a la shmoop writing an essay is like building a
- 00:09
robot you don't just need quality parts you also have to put them together in [man building robot part]
- 00:12
the right way if the head of your robot is attached to the legs well this might [head of robot where pelvis is supposed to be]
- 00:17
happen so how do you write a cohesive essay and know you can't just program
- 00:22
your robot to do it for you much as we'd like that coherence basically means you [robot at a laptop]
Full Transcript
- 00:27
want it to hold together it needs to make logical sense and it needs to flow
- 00:31
you don't want any logical leaks in your paper leakage is embarrassing there are
- 00:37
many parts necessary to make a cohesive essay got it the first is the thesis
- 00:42
which should be clear strong and arguable here's the thesis there's the
- 00:48
thesis make sure you're taking a stand for something your thesis is like the [thesis example on screen]
- 00:58
faucet from which all your good ideas flow remember I'm Rand and that
- 01:02
Fountainhead thing yeah kind of like that well anyway your evidence whether
- 01:07
it be quotes charts statistics or whatever is like the foundation holding
- 01:12
everything together a shaky foundation means everything could get swallowed up [foundations of a house collapse during earthquake]
- 01:15
by a sinkhole any moment and you know just look what's happening in Florida [Florida map with sink holes]
- 01:19
you need to analyze your evidence too and maybe offer a little reflection [copies of Dave pop up and echo]
- 01:23
reflection if the evidence spoke for itself you wouldn't need to write the
- 01:28
essay your opinion gives everything the context it needs to be a good essay the
- 01:35
analysis and reflection are the pipes that carry your ideas to the reader make
- 01:39
sure the water coming out of those pipes runs clear if people want a glass of [sewage dumped on girl]
- 01:43
brown chunky water they'll go to Dunkin Donuts here the structure of your essay
- 01:48
is most important when it comes to cohesion you might be writing a typical
- 01:52
five paragraph essay with each paragraph presenting evidence analyzing it and
- 01:56
reflecting on it or it might be a more narrative style sold in chronological
- 02:00
order there are many different structures each one appropriate for
- 02:03
certain essays choose wisely if your essay is one big oil pipe dream then
- 02:07
your structure gives it shape and for the structure also hinges on the quality
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of your transitions you have to make sure everything flows smoothly so that
- 02:16
your reader isn't along for a bumpy ride a rusty transition could cause the whole
- 02:24
thing to spring a leak also don't forget to add your own personal style any essay [copper pipes spring leaks]
- 02:33
could use a little flair as long as you don't sacrifice clarity and brevity for
- 02:36
style though writing a cohesive essay is a combination of a strong thesis
- 02:41
evidence analysis reflection and most importantly structure and style it takes
- 02:48
a lot of work but it pays off trust us it's easier than building a robot to
- 02:52
write your essay for you [badly built robot]
- 03:20
we know because we've tried what did the Buffalo say to his son as
- 03:26
he left for school bye son okay bad joke but if you survived it how about
- 03:32
clicking the subscribe button below and if you're looking for more jokes from
- 03:36
yours truly why not check out our website at everyday bit of shmoop calm
- 03:40
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