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Essay Revision Videos 20 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which of the following is best to insert at the beginning of sentence 8?
TSI Writing: Identifying the Strongest Transition Between Two Sentences 5 Views
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Which of the following revisions best combines sentences 12 and 13?
- 00:03
All right kiss i reading shmoop proves this is four
- 00:05
out of five here and then we're done with this
- 00:07
awesome section Yeah right Go to the question Here in
- 00:10
context with following revisions Best combined senses twelve and thirteen
- 00:16
So rut revisions mashes these uh pinto one rambling sentence
Full Transcript
- 00:21
Here we go So many parents and students will be
- 00:23
concerned about fast food nutrition There is actually nothing to
- 00:26
fear Okay we're going to mash thes and well think
- 00:30
about this We don't want that period there We want
- 00:35
some kind of connective device Ah think about semicolon No
- 00:39
Maybe a comma and get him dash thing Maybe a
- 00:43
colon there something What do we think Well there may
- 00:46
be a slight oxymoron in the phrase fast food nutrition
- 00:49
You know they're sort of opposite but we're going to
- 00:52
let that one slide For now This was written by
- 00:54
the fast food association of america Combining sentences has toe
- 00:58
work much like the seeming contradictions of an oxymoron It
- 01:02
has to make sense Is ah hole while maintaining its
- 01:04
equal parts right Think jumbo shrimp that's like a opposites
- 01:10
attract thing there Yeah the best way to separate these
- 01:13
Two independent clauses is to change one of them Tio
- 01:16
be a dependent clause by adding in the subordinating conjunction
- 01:20
While this provides some contrast between the two ideas and
- 01:24
helps the reader transition smoothly the sentence still has to
- 01:28
make sense though you know we need to make sure
- 01:30
that the dependent clause with weill is up front followed
- 01:34
by a comma and then the independent claws right So
- 01:37
the answer here is sea While many parents and students
- 01:40
will be concerned about fast food nutrition come there's actually
- 01:43
nothing to fear but fear itself and calories in fact
- 01:49
and salt in the high blood pressure in obesity and 00:01:53.705 --> [endTime] the diabetes All right bowl stop
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