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Author's Use of Language Videos 20 videos
An earth-sheltered house is built below grade or completely underground. These homes are less susceptible to the impact of extreme outdoor air temp...
The Landsat Program provides the longest continuous space-based record of Earth's land in existence. Since 1972, Landsat satellites have collected...
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TSI Reading: What's the Tone of this Passage? 14 Views
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Stephen Mitchell suffered from allergies. A thirty-five-year-old professor at Syracuse University, he found sanctuary in the temperature-controlled environment of the school's computer center, where he surprised many people by showing how computers could be used to advance work in the humanities.
Each year, the Modern Language Association compiled a bibliography of every book, article, and review published during the year prior. Mitchell thought he could automate the process, and MLA agreed to let him try. He spent weeks translating the names of editors, translators, and authors into punch cards and writing the program to interpret the data. Then it was all over in twenty-three minutes. That's how long it took the computer to compile and print the index, which ran to 18,001 entries.
The author of this passage writes with a tone that is mostly
- 00:02
Okay sy reading shoppers Here we go the author of
- 00:04
this passage rights with a tone that is mostly what
- 00:10
So we're looking for tone in the paragraphs here let's
- 00:12
skim them alright steve newsome from allergies or valvular pro
- 00:15
syracuse fan sanctuary and the temperature controlled environment school's computer
Full Transcript
- 00:19
center rise many people showing how come you two use
- 00:21
advanced We're going humanity's each of the m l a
- 00:23
complaining a baby our favorite book publishing your prior mission
- 00:27
Okay go ahead and keep reading so what's the tone
- 00:30
Well think about this The excerpt uses several words and
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phrases such as surprised and then it was all over
- 00:37
in twenty three minutes You gotta wonder what they're talking
- 00:40
about their toe emphasize mitchell's accomplishment Yeah though this is
- 00:43
an informational passage this computer whiz earns a tone of
- 00:46
approval even admiration from the author so that's it it's
- 00:50
admiring it see and often the informational pastures we come
- 00:54
across are serious but this writer goes out of his
- 00:57
or her way to express approval of the subject sarcastic
- 01:00
and critical or negative words that don't apply to a
- 01:01
passage celebrating mitchell's accomplishment here So that's it it's admiring
- 01:05
and we're admiring the passage and that's it we're shmoop
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