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Mathematics and Statistics Assessment Videos 200 videos
What is the equation of the line graphed above?
A line passes through the point (-4, -4) and has a slope of . What is its equation?
Line A has an x-intercept of -4 and a y-intercept of 8. What is its slope?
TSI Math: Which Value of a Given Function is the Smallest? 0 Views
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, then which of the following values is the smallest?
, then which of the following values is the smallest?
- Test Prep / TSI
- TSI / TSI Math
- TSI / TSI Mathematics
- Intermediate Algebra and Functions / Rational and Exponential Expressions, Equations, and Functions
- Intermediate Algebra and Functions / Rational and Exponential Expressions, Equations, and Functions
- TSI Mathematics / Intermediate Algebra and Functions
- Test Prep / TSI
- TSI Math / Intermediate Algebra and Functions
- 00:02
Okay yes i match from uppers Here we go Next
- 00:04
up If f of x equals negative one over x
- 00:07
then which of the following values is the smallest All
- 00:16
right well to compare these different values used given formula
- 00:20
to calculate fx for each right there's no reason to
Full Transcript
- 00:22
get all abstract and hippie here we'll just find the
- 00:25
value So we'll start with a f of negative twenty
- 00:28
is well negative one over Negative twenty it's one twentieth
- 00:32
All right the other values follow Same pattern right it's
- 00:34
one fifteenth and one tenth and won fifth Well the
- 00:37
smallest of these values is just one twentieth Answers A
- 00:41
and sometimes the simple life is the best life Leonard 00:00:44.49 --> [endTime] skinner song i think
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