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Algebraic Expressions and Equations Videos 12 videos
m varies directly as n. m = 120 when n = 8. What is m when n = 11?
TSI Math: Recognizing an Inequality on a Number Line 6 Views
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What inequality is represented above?
- 00:02
Okay sy mash bumpers Got a number line for you
- 00:05
here Illustrations Graphic one's alright what inequality is represented above
- 00:15
All right well an open circle you know like those
- 00:17
bubbles you feeling on a multiple gas test Yeah if
- 00:20
it's not completely filled in it doesn't count Similarly an
Full Transcript
- 00:23
open circle here represents a strict inequality like x approaches
- 00:29
Negative for buddy can equal negative fort can't quite get
- 00:32
there The solid circle over here at this thing shows
- 00:36
that x could actually equal three So since the region
- 00:40
between negative four and three is highlighted Acts must be
- 00:43
betweennegative 4 and three or more precisely x is greater
- 00:48
than negative four and less than or equal to three
- 00:52
So it's uh symbols looks like that negative for less
- 00:55
than an act which is less than or equal to
- 00:57
three So the answer is b and that's It We're 00:00:59.82 --> [endTime] going to go feel in our circles
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