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Achebe - Chinua Achebe Videos 3 videos
Books become classics because they either reflect on or influence the world around us. As was the casewith Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Of...
All Okonkwo was asking for was a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Granted, swinging your machete around may not be the nicest way to ask, but still. The guy d...
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All Okonkwo was asking for was a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Granted, swinging your machete around may not be the nicest way to ask, but still. The guy deserved better.
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Things Fall Apart, a la Shmoop. You think you've got daddy issues? Try growing
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up with my Pops, Okonkwo < Oh-kawn-kwoh>.
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I was never good enough for “Mr. Big Successful Yam Farmer,” no-siree. He was always after
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me to be tougher, manlier, and better with power tools. I think he wanted me to be a
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mini-version of him, which is certainly rich, because Okonkwo sure didn’t win any “Father
Full Transcript
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of the Year” awards.
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Need an example? Check this out....Okonkwo sort of inherited this hostage kid from another
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…which was okay, because Ikemefuna <Ee-keh-meh-foo-nah> turned out to be a pretty cool dude. Dad liked
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him, too. In fact, he liked Ike a lot more than he liked me. …
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…But that still didn't stop him from going all Texas Chainsaw Massacre when the tribe
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decided to kill Ike. You see, Dad didn't want the guys to think he was weak, so he let his
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machete do the talking. Nobody really wanted to get on Okonkwo’s bad side after that…
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Dad was really big on respect. Is one of your wives talking back to you? Use her for target
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Did a lowly peon dare to disagree with you during a meeting? Call him a lady. Yep, Okonkwo
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was quite the charmer. "Nwoye,” (Nuh-woh-yeh) he used to say, "I yam what I yam." Well,
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actually I couldn't hear what he said over the sounds of his fist hitting me repeatedly,
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but I'm sure he meant something along those lines.
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In fact, the only person he gave a fig about, besides the adopted son he sliced in half,
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was his daughter Ezinma < Eh-zeen-mah>.
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I know, her name sounds like a skin condition, but she's my half-sister, so watch it. When
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she got sick, Okonkwo was all, "I'll save you!" and made her a special medicine. The
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guy never so much as gave me a Band-Aid. But karma finally caught up with Okonkwo when
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he shot a kid during a tribal “21 gun salute.” Unfortunately, there aren’t a whole lot
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of gun safety classes in Nigeria.
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Since he didn't mean to whack the kid, he only got 7 years of exile from the village.
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Naturally, I started planning the mother of all house parties, but it turns out I had
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to go with him into the boonies.
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News from the home front wasn't great...apparently the whites took out a bunch of neighboring
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villagers that killed a tourist. Or maybe it was a missionary. The villagers didn't
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really investigate. Anyway, those pesky evangelists started trickling
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into our neighborhood…
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… and their peace and love spiel sounded a lot better than my dad’s "slice and dice"
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policy. Plus, those missionaries had some really good mojo, because they voluntarily
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decided to live in the Evil Forest…
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…and they didn't die horrible deaths! I was kind of impressed, but I knew dad would
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kill me if I hung out with the Christians. Then he actually did try to kill me, so I
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decided to cut my losses and join the missionary school. That oughtta fix his little red wagon!
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When Pops got back after his 7 year timeout, he was super-angry to find the white man taking
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over his stomping grounds and changing things up in a big way. There was a serious culture
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clash...they insulted our gods…
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…so we burned their church. That little shenanigan landed Okonkwo in prison for a
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The minute he got out of the slammer, Dad was on fire for revenge, and he got pretty
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P.O.ed that no one wanted to back him up. So, he killed himself.
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The tribe was really upset about it, but they still knuckled under to the missionaries,
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and all Okonkwo’s efforts got him was a paragraph in a white guy's book.
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Sure, my dad was a jerk, but in the end, he deserved more respect than he died with. So
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long, Pops. This yam’s for you.
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