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The Bible: Genesis, Part 2 7619 Views
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You've been warned, Jerry. You've been warned.
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Shmoopin' the Bible! Genesis, part two. Hello and welcome back [Bible on a chair]
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to Shmoopin' the Bible I'm Cecil B deShmoop and well so let's just pick up right
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where we left off smack dab in the middle of Genesis, and in case you need a [Cecil talking in front of a fireplace]
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refresher lots of things were created, some fruit was eaten, lots of things were
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lost including unicorns, and the relief of a pleasant breeze on a hot day. Moral [Naked Adam stretches in a field]
Full Transcript
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of the story, don't eat fruit. But try telling my heart doctor that you know..
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Alrighty let's jump back in with the story of Babel which is basically a
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bunch of people coming together in the Valley of Shinar to create the first
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civilization. Under one language they built a tower that reaches the heavens. [People working on a tower]
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Yeah, take that NASA! God sees what's happening and is like whoa, whoa, whoa
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guys this is my territory, can't have you doing this. Here's what's gonna happen.
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I'm going to confuse your language and scatter you so you don't get this close [Two builders try to talk in different languages]
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to my place again we need to define our boundaries and no you can't keep a tooth
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brush here. So if you've ever been lost in a foreign country and tried to get
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directions only to have someone call the cops on you and you end up spending the
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night behind bars in Amsterdam, well.. now you know why. Not that I'm speaking from [Cecil in a cell with prisoners]
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experience... yeah. So we've reviewed the creation of humanity and civilization
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what next what next, aha yes, Israel's creation story well Abram and his wife
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Sarai are Egypt bound to avoid famine. Good idea guys.. Well before they arrive [Abram and Sarai in a horse and cart]
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Abram and Sarai agree to tell the Egyptians that Sarai is his sister. Why?
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Well turns out Sarai is basically a supermodel and Abram knows that the
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Egyptians will kill him to get to her. So they headed into Egypt disguised as
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siblings and what do you know it works out. Pharaoh was quite taken with Sarai
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and accepts both her and her brother into his court all is going well until God [Pharaoh shows a particular liking to Sarai]
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sends a few pesky plagues Egypt's way. Somehow Pharaoh connects Abram and Sarai
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to these plagues and he gives them the boot so much like Willie Nelson they're
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on the road again! On the road again.. so let's be honest they're
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probably a little more alert than Willie. Coming along for the ride is Abram's [Willie Nelson laid on the back of a horse]
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nephew, Lot and all their bickering servants. They bicker so much that they
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eventually force them to split ways and split land well Lot chooses Sodom, Abram
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takes Kenan. Long story short, Lot didn't choose wisely, bad luck. Abram makes a
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covenant with God who says you're Abraham now your wife is Sarah now and [God changes their name badges]
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you'll have a boy call him Isaac oh and I don't know invent circumcision or
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something see ya. I'd imagine Abraham face looked something like this. Back [Abraham looks shocked]
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inside and Lot's neighbors are rapists and sex addicts which makes my neighbor
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look like a saint even if he still hasn't returned my game of thrones box
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set. Jerry, hmm? Anyway God's like this place is the worst so I'm gonna nuke it
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good? Good. And he tells a lot to leave and not look back well Lot's wife must [God holding a bomb with a timer]
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have missed the memo. She kept telling Lot to stick memos on the fridge but did
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he ever remember? Of course not, so she ends up looking back and turns into a
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pillar of salt why well maybe as punishment for secretly wanting that way of life
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maybe she was just checking to see if she turned the stove off and saw God [Sarai turns back and sees God dancing]
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that's not super clear. No matter the reason lot never had to buy salt for his
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popcorn again, you know hey waste not want not. Anyway back to Abraham and
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Sarah, in what might be one of my least favorite biblical turns of event 90 year
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old Sarah gives birth to Isaac. 90 years old think about that people. I mean come
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on you should have one foot in the grave not two in the stirrups. Ya know what we
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mean there. Anyway, some time passes and Abraham sends a servant to get Isaac [The Sun rises and Abraham's servant leaves]
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a wife. He returns with Rebecca, well Abe and Sarah die after living good long
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lives, full of way too much childbirth for one of them, and Isaac and Rebecca
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wed and have twins Esau and Jacob and I keep narrating this seemingly
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never-ending video. On to Jacob well Jacob's biblical highlight-reel includes a
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trippy dream while traveling to find a wife, he has a vision of a ladder.
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Remeber Jacob's Ladder? A stairway to heaven if you will,
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was Led Zep around back then? Maybe.. He sees messengers of God going up and down the [Jacob dreams of a ladder and flying Led Zep members]
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stairway then he hears God say "Kenan will be yours" And so it comes to pass.
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I'm really glad my dreams don't come true or that would be way too much slow motion
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running away from clowns for my taste. Anyway Jacob renames Kenan Bethel, which [Cecil running away from clowns with balloons]
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means house of God well gods like, I want to rename things too, and he re dubs
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Jacob, Israel and now our story shifts to Jacobs favorite son Joseph and honestly
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there's a whole musical about this featuring a long-haired Donny Osmond.
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Not sure if I can top that so no hard feelings if you stop the video now. No? Alright..
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Well so Joe's brothers are super jealous that he's the favorite and prank him by
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stealing his coat and selling him to some dudes headed for Egypt. Kinda like a slave.. [Josephs brothers try to sell him and offer a 'I Love Mom' mug as part of the deal]
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Prank him yeah.. Pretty sure that's actually just illegal, but you know boys will be boys.
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Anyway they dipped Joe's coat in blood and show it to Jacob to convince
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him that yep dear old Joe is dearly departed Joe. As for what actually
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happened well they have him sold to the Pharaohs head bodyguard whose wife tries
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to seduce him. Joes not having any part of it and she gets angry so she claims [Joseph backs away]
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he tried to rape her even though Joe did no such thing it's off to jail for him but
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here's the plot twist we've all been waiting for. Joe has prophetic dream so
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the Pharaoh drops by to pay him a visit and is like, can you tell me what that
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showing up to class naked dream means oh and can you take a crack at this one [Pharaoh stood naked in front of classmates]
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while Joe listens to the dream patiently which is impressive enough as it is
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nothing is more boring than someone telling you a long dream well you really
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want is your game of thrones box set back, Jerry! Right well Joe tells
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Pharaoh that Egypt will have seven years of abundance followed by seven
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years of famine, he advises Egypt to get a manager for the impending food boom and doom.
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Well Pharaoh was super impressed and gives Joseph a job working for him [Joseph by the Pharaoh's side]
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though he would still like to know what that underwear dream means.
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And wouldn't you know it famine hits. People come in need of food among those people
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well Joseph's brothers who in another great plot twist don't recognize him, man
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this could be an episode of scandal or something. So Joseph sees an opportunity [Cecil at the White House press room]
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to get even he calls them spies and locks one up but then he's like "Nah, I'm just
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kidding surprise it's me Joseph" and he lets them return home with food which
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just proves Joseph might be the nicest tamest guy around they literally sold him
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into slavery and he just goes "hey wouldn't it be funny if I pretended to [Joseph being sent to Egypt in a cage]
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lock one of them up for a hot second and gave them food and money and even though
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they basically left me for dead sent them home?" Yep seriously, nicest guy in the
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world award. So Joseph is reunited with his brothers and his Pops and they're all
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a happy family again and with that we can finally close the book on Genesis. Be
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sure to join me next time when we check out Exodus, until then I'm Cecil B deShmoop
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and I'm not as nice as Joseph, I'm getting that box set back Jerry. You [Cecil with a balaclava on about to break into a house]
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You watch your back there..
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