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Texas EOC Level II Videos 81 videos
Want to pull an Oliver Twist and ask us for more? We've gotcha covered. Click on this link for more Texas EOC goodness. Porridge not included.
Texas EOC English 2: 4.1 Editing 169 Views
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in Sorry Then here's your shmoop
- 00:08
du jour brought to you by an affordable college education
- 00:12
and other endangered species And we're not getting way to
- 00:16
see what your college abilities are Checking falling passage There
- 00:20
we go The importance of affordable state university's Good luck
Full Transcript
- 00:23
way Hope they stay affordable bythe All right What change
- 00:28
of any should be made in sentenced to and here
- 00:31
the potential answers and let's give me the boot before
- 00:35
we even begin Because there's got to be some change
- 00:38
here Just asked bob dealing to sing about it All
- 00:41
right Yeah When states apostrophe s notice that have economic
- 00:45
problems One of the first things to get Cut his
- 00:47
education All right well this sense has a big whopping
- 00:49
problem that must be solved Our next boot goes the
- 00:52
choice b because it removes a very necessary comma Enjoy
- 00:57
that New footwear Be okay Let's Entertain choice See suggestion
- 01:01
for a hot sex See says that when states have
- 01:06
economic problems ought to be changed too When states have
- 01:11
problems with economics we see a difference Not so much
- 01:15
right Both versions say the same thing only sees version
- 01:18
uses more words to do so This is a no
- 01:21
warning a stone So there's no way that ctu can
- 01:23
stay around here Also see misses the glaring mistake in
- 01:26
the sentence That's fixed by option a In this sentence
- 01:30
states is simply the plural of state Adding an apostrophe
- 01:34
before the s makes it possessive but there's Nothing for
- 01:37
a state to possess Really it's Better off people these 00:01:40.378 --> [endTime] days have way too much stuff No
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Want to pull an Oliver Twist and ask us for more? We've gotcha covered. Click on this link for more Texas EOC goodness. Porridge not included.
Want to pull an Oliver Twist and ask us for more? We've gotcha covered. Head over to /video/subjects/test-prep/texas-eoc-ii/texas-eoc-english-ii/ f...