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Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts Videos 21 videos
Texas EOC English 2: Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts Drill 4, Problem 5
Texas EOC English 2: Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts Drill 3, Problem 2
Texas EOC English 2: Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts Drill 2, Problem 5
Texas EOC English 2: 2.5 Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts 183 Views
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Texas EOC English 2: Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts Drill 2, Problem 5
- Test Prep / Texas EOC
- Texas EOC / Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts
- Texas EOC English I / Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts
- Texas EOC / Texas EOC English I
- Test Prep / Texas EOC
- Texas EOC II / Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts
- Texas EOC English II / Understanding and Analysis of Informational Texts
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop du
- 00:05
jour brought to you by tidal pools which are great
- 00:08
places to go If you can't think of a name
- 00:10
for your memoirs Okay check the following passage from basic
- 00:16
info about estuaries bye freshman Okay which of the following
Full Transcript
- 00:24
most accurately describes the style and tone in which the
- 00:27
passage is written All right is an informative technical terse
- 00:31
abstract All right well this passage has style but that
- 00:35
doesn't make it special Every passage has its own style
- 00:38
and tone This particular passage isn't all that abstract though
- 00:42
so we connects option d pretty obvious it doesn't blow
- 00:45
our minds with big weird theories and or experimental style
- 00:48
like some academy award winning movies with me passengers by
- 00:52
the book and gives a straightforward information so not abstract
- 00:56
All right the passage is also not super technical like
- 00:59
choice b would claim We don't get a lot of
- 01:01
complex details on the inner workings of plant life and
- 01:05
stuff inside of you ph balances in depth environmental factors
- 01:10
all that that's the stuff the article would need if
- 01:12
it wanted it qualifies being technical technical manuals in the
- 01:15
deep end while this passages in the kiddie pool see
- 01:18
isn't right either church describes something that's short for a
- 01:22
brought a church version of the passage would sound like
- 01:25
this estuaries are bodies of water where freshwater mixes with
- 01:30
soft the end but that's not our passages It is
- 01:34
the correct answer The passage gives us info on the
- 01:36
key features and characteristics of the estuaries so it wouldn't
- 01:39
be a stretch to call it informative However it would
- 01:42
be a stretch to call it bob let's Not do 00:01:45.253 --> [endTime] that ever
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