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Want to pull an Oliver Twist and ask us for more? We've gotcha covered. Head over to /video/subjects/test-prep/texas-eoc-ii/texas-eoc-english-ii/ f...
Want to pull an Oliver Twist and ask us for more? We've gotcha covered. Click on this link for more Texas EOC goodness. Porridge not included.
Want to pull an Oliver Twist and ask us for more? We've gotcha covered. Click on this link for more Texas EOC goodness. Porridge not included.
Texas EOC English 2: 1.4 Revision 198 Views
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop du
- 00:05
jour Brought to you by gas guzzlers Kanye says people
- 00:08
who drive them our fossil foods can you she's a
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really clever right She works for shmoop but you didn't
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know that we're still skimming and blame big corporations When
Full Transcript
- 00:20
in doubt just do that Bite the hand that feeds
- 00:22
your people on by smaller car bomb a block Damnation
- 00:28
All right Tony wants to add a sentence at the
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end of the second paragraph to help conclude the paragraph
- 00:34
Which of the following would be the best since toe
- 00:37
Add and hear the potential answers All right what's going
- 00:40
to make that second paragraph stronger All right Well let's
- 00:44
review it this way We'll have a good idea of
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what the end is missing Here we go The single
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biggest contributing factor to air pollution is car transportation which
- 00:52
produces carbon dioxide Also the more we drive the more
- 00:57
pollution we produce plus bigger cars use more gasoline which
- 01:01
means more carbon dioxide There are decisions we can make
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to reduce our environmental impact in our transportation For example
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we can choose to live closer to where we work
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Another example is that we can choose to take public
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transportation like buses and trains whenever possible we can choose
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to buy smaller more gas efficient cars Okay so main
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problem is that the paragraph sort of randomly stops it's
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like kanye stopped in the middle of her Yes he
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isn't that annoying All right wilby isn't going to work
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because it sets up the third paragraph without closing the
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second way can't skip second base to get to third
- 01:34
right That kind of stuff doesn't play baseball either and
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it doesn't work in essays we can nick see because
- 01:40
it takes the paragraph in a new direction It might
- 01:42
work for releasing some of tanya's pick up reed for
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people who drive gas guzzlers but it doesn't do a
- 01:48
thing for her essay We're starting to get there with
- 01:50
choice d it does sort of sum the paragraph The
- 01:54
problem is that it's a little too General tanya needs
- 01:57
something more specific that directly ties in with her thesis
- 02:01
Answer a is just what tanya needs here It wraps
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up the paragraph in connects directly to tunney's thesis about
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how we can all do things that help the environment
- 02:09
We tried to aid the environment by helping it to
- 02:12
revise an essay but didn't seem all that grateful Sorry 00:02:15.073 --> [endTime] environment Just trying to do our part
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Want to pull an Oliver Twist and ask us for more? We've gotcha covered. Click on this link for more Texas EOC goodness. Porridge not included.