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Texas EOC Videos 119 videos
Summarize the main idea of the following selection about women during WWII.
Can you find the important difference between "Old Mistresses Apologue" and "Suggested Husbands for Fanny Burney"? Unfortunately, the answer isn't...
Time to show off your strength like Rosie the Riveter! ....Er....sorry. Not by flexing your arms. That won't help you much with this question. Why...
Texas EOC English 1: 1.5 Editing 204 Views
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Want to pull an Oliver Twist and ask us for more? We've gotcha covered. Head over to /video/subjects/test-prep/texas-eoc/texas-eoc-english/ for more Texas EOC goodness. Porridge not included.
- 00:00
Sorry Fame here's your shmoop du jour brought to you
- 00:05
by jackson pollock once sneezed on a canvas and well
- 00:09
art history was made All right well we're reading cubism
- 00:12
Holographic oman aoki's expressionist boy a lot of five dollar
- 00:17
words here Five dollar word like painting And we're done
Full Transcript
- 00:20
reading Lie Well couldn't we say we are What change
- 00:23
needs to be made to sentence six and hear the
- 00:27
potential answers Right World's world famous things Okay let's give
- 00:32
the sentence a quick scan way Yeah There we go
- 00:35
Many of the world's most famous artists were abstract artists
- 00:39
No All right well yep Our sensors detect a problem
- 00:43
So let's go ahead and get rid of the right
- 00:44
off the bat Great At least that's one of these
- 00:46
guys out of our hair Choice b will be the
- 00:48
next to go in the original sentence Famous is an
- 00:51
adjective describing the noun artists Well this totally passes grammatical
- 00:56
inspection If we changed Famous to famously however the inspection
- 01:01
wouldn't go so well Famously is an adverb The elle
- 01:05
Why ending kind of gives it away it's against the
- 01:08
rules for an adverb to describe a noun so we
- 01:10
can say goodbye to option b We're also going to
- 01:12
give option c the boot changing word toe Woz will
- 01:15
put us on the fast track to a grammatical mess
- 01:18
In the original sentence the plural verb were describes the
- 01:22
action of the plural noun artists everything's kosher Here you
- 01:27
see a little kosher signing That means it's Cool If
- 01:29
we change word to the singular virtue wass however well
- 01:32
the sentence is doomed like you threw in a big
- 01:34
hunk of pork in there In that all right option
- 01:38
is the best answer Thie issue with the senses that
- 01:40
world's needs an apostrophe s instead of just an ass
- 01:45
by itself without the apostrophe worlds is plural Well what
- 01:49
kind of sense does that make Are we talking about
- 01:51
artists from morgan One world like mars or somewhere has
- 01:54
the least found a hidden cache of alien art long
- 01:57
kept from the public by the government Because well actually
- 02:01
all right well no nothing like that But she just
- 02:03
needs to make worlds possessive by adding an apostrophe Thes
- 02:06
artists are owned by this world and this world alone
- 02:10
And yeah well this world is a little clean Well 00:02:14.71 --> [endTime] they get just there
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