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Citing Textual Evidence to Support an Inference 41 Views
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Want to hunt for evidence? Solve this SAT Reading mystery to get the answer!
- 00:02
all right bumpers here we go with the next SAT reading question and it's
- 00:07
comprising a whole bunch of analyzing and text structure in and word choice [man reading book]
- 00:10
and and seitan and all that alright so here we go
- 00:13
which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to that previous question [text on screen]
- 00:16
all right so it's testing whether you can hit reverse there then go back or
Full Transcript
- 00:20
the previous question probably and of rebirths the white plane was run by
- 00:23
becoming a singleton all right so we'll go back and look at the lines let's kind
- 00:27
of think through here which choice provides the best evidence evidence for
- 00:32
the answer so we're gonna go back and do some huntin so let's go to line 17 here
- 00:37
first and we see that way I'd be notoriously early and I just an identity
- 00:40
and these are you I thinking okay all right then we're ready on here
- 00:42
what I Blaz going on here and then we're right there oh I meant to get one the
- 00:46
Riverton with him get on the river all right I know everything can we do it
- 00:49
here with all right last one I had something on your 79 we're gonna hear
- 00:52
and make the best of this or treatment for time being but had to bring degree
- 00:54
in the future to be a Trianon pilot okay well huh we're thinking about this looks
- 00:59
like it should be a cuz like well Twain continually references the prestige [hand writing on paper]
- 01:04
involved with working on a boat and he most clearly states his motivation when
- 01:08
he says that the boy he hated was quote let's look at the quote right there
- 01:12
exalted to this eminence while he remained in obscurity and misery like [text on screen]
- 01:17
exalted like a king and obscurity like kind of meet Twain pairs the word
- 01:22
obscurity with music so he must associate the opposite of obscurity [writing on chalkboard]
- 01:27
namely Fame with happiness this kid wants to see his name in lights while [Mark Twain's name in front of theatre]
- 01:32
Twain also references the hefty paycheck and the material means it provides but
- 01:37
the material aspect doesn't hit at the heart of his motivation be so get rid of
- 01:41
that one right there it's more of an added bonus
- 01:43
Twain's remark about how boy after boy managed to get on the river emphasizes
- 01:49
that it was a desirable trade but it doesn't explain why he longs to do it
- 01:52
and everyone could do it so it wasn't all that kingly or rare or whatever the [captain sailing ship]
- 01:56
same goes for his final line about his daydreams of being a pilot you know with
- 01:59
the whole accent thing going on there he I was honored but so that's it the
- 02:03
answer is a the boy and blah blah blah [boy crying]
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