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SAT Reading: Citing Textual Evidence to Support an Analysis 5 Views
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To Eisenhower, increased military spending was imperative. Watch this SAT Reading video to find out more.
- 00:03
alright next one in me I like Ike saga there we go
- 00:06
which choice gives the strongest heaven for the answer to the previous question [text on screen]
- 00:09
and again let's go back here another man throws in the passage can best be stride
- 00:12
is wide so which gives the evidence for piecing out we're gonna have to cruise
- 00:19
through all these lines 8 through 10 we face a method and we have no contagion
Full Transcript
- 00:23
but luck I mean okay so let's think about this broadly Eisenhower's overall
- 00:29
stance here is one of caution he's convinced that the increased military [soldiers in field]
- 00:33
spending is imperative you got to do it but he wants the nation to be on high [text on screen]
- 00:37
alert for its grave implications like think about you know global
- 00:41
thermonuclear war or something like that that ain't no Disney animated musical so [nuclear explosion]
- 00:46
yep that line pretty much sums up his entire position and you find it right [writing on chalkboard]
- 00:51
there so it's right there 59 through 61 the grave implications so yes it's
- 00:58
totally true that with the cold war looming the Communist Soviet Union [Soviet Union map]
- 01:02
sounded like hostile ideology and taken by itself though this line is solidly
- 01:06
pro-military growth and that's only half the story [text on screen]
- 01:10
same goes for the line about how the military is vital in keeping the peace
- 01:14
on the other hand the way Eisenhower explains just how much the u.s. is
- 01:18
spending on the military makes it sound like he's against it and again well it
- 01:22
doesn't cover all the bases so that's what it is it's just grave grave
- 01:26
implications you [tomb stone]
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