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SAT Reading: Analyzing President Obama's Choice of the Phrase "Outworn Programs" 7 Views
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Obama wanted innovation back in 2013. How do we know? Watch this video on analyzing text.
- 00:03
all right people we are still on the Obama inauguration 2013 it's his long
- 00:08
speech all right here we go question in the context of the passage the [text on screen]
- 00:11
president's use of the phrase outworn programs I want to III there were there
- 00:14
helps illustrate his idea that what let's go back line 83 way up here
- 00:20
cruising down down down and let's find it 83 all right we understand that
Full Transcript
- 00:24
Warren program fucking adequate to the needs of our time so we got to have new
- 00:27
ideas and technology and yeah so well let's see we're thinking about all of
- 00:32
this how does this come together how does this play well it's gotta be a [girl wondering]
- 00:36
innovations necessary to cope yeah and that's it well returning to the main [text on screen]
- 00:40
point of his speech Obama is asking people to accept changes in policy that
- 00:45
he hopes to enact he's already lobbying for whatever his next bills are in
- 00:49
keeping with the idea that we need to embrace new approaches he's suggesting [Obama smiling]
- 00:53
that Americans should support the changes he wants to make because well
- 00:58
some programs are just too out-of-date to cope with today's challenges Obama [social security and medicare cards]
- 01:02
doesn't address his first term in this speech and he definitely doesn't level
- 01:06
any criticisms at it so get rid of B the president suggests that Americans have
- 01:10
to come together like a Beatles song but doesn't say that we're sick of being
- 01:14
divided like a u2 song so get rid of see based on what happens on the Internet [text on screen]
- 01:18
while divisive political issues are America's second favorite hobby after
- 01:23
cat pictures by Todd the president also doesn't make any sweeping [newspaper articles]
- 01:27
generalizations about government programs failing people D even if they
- 01:31
do there are clearly some things he wants to change but well he doesn't want
- 01:35
to change everything he was a politician at the end of the day right so well [people holding up signs]
- 01:38
that's it the answer is a innovations necessary to cope with current
- 01:42
challenges yeah G vote for change boy that'll really stir up a hornet's nest
- 01:46
don't ever say that in an election yeah how about if we said vote for keeping
- 01:51
everything the same you know try that see if that gets you elected at your
- 01:55
next to student body gathering it yeah good luck [students debating]
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