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Analyzing arguments Videos 5 videos
It's important to know how to recognize counterarguments to a claim. This SAT Reading video covers just that - how handy.
The Sonoran pronghorn has sensitive ears. Wanna know more? Watch this SAT Reading video on noise pollution.
Addressing Counterarguments in a Scientific Text 13 Views
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It's important to know how to recognize counterarguments to a claim. This SAT Reading video covers just that - how handy.
- 00:02
all right six out of eleven now we're making progress here here we go
- 00:06
the authors recognize counter arguments to their claim about noise pollution by [text on screen]
- 00:12
what like doing what okay so we're just kind of thinking here we don't have
- 00:17
anywhere to cite anywhere to go hunt anywhere to point our fingers to go find [statue thinking]
- 00:22
things so we're just thinking aloud here counter arguments to their claim yeah it
Full Transcript
- 00:25
really feels like be other influences on animal behavior so there there were a
- 00:29
few they cited there that makes sense the author's recognized that there are
- 00:33
other factors besides noise when human development encroaches on protected [writing on blackboard]
- 00:37
wildlife areas they mention a few when they talk about other possible factors
- 00:41
associated with transportation corridors like collisions or chemical pollution [text on screen]
- 00:46
right they said it right there this is an acknowledgement that effects of noise
- 00:50
are difficult to separate from all aspects of human activity some people [construction worker, person walking]
- 00:54
leave the TV on for their cats yeah we're looking at you Todd [cat watching tv]
- 00:57
but while the animals don't seem to like anthropogenic noise as a rule we'll get [birds fly away]
- 01:02
that other where did that come from anyway the graph shows the increase in
- 01:06
traffic over the last half century outpacing the growth of population but [graph on screen]
- 01:11
it supports the main theory presented in the article instead of countering it so
- 01:15
give it a seat and finally humans probably don't love all the noise made [construction worker]
- 01:20
by development like buildings and factories and stuff like that but that
- 01:23
falls outside of the scope of this article it's just not in there they're
- 01:26
not talking about humans so just focusing on animals here and that's a [text on screen]
- 01:30
good thing to focus on so yeah the answer is B there's other things that
- 01:33
influence animal behavior but still be quiet [boy playing drums]
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