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Geometry and Measurement Videos 88 videos
SAT Math 1.1 Geometry and Measurement. What is the circumference of the circle?
SAT Math: Geometry and Measurement Drill 1, Problem 2. If A = (0, 4), B = (-3, 2), and C = (1, 0), which point is in the interior of angle ABC?
SAT Math 2.3 Geometry and Measurement. Find the length of AB.
SAT Math: Solving for y When Given Radian Length 4 Views
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If S represents the origin and ∠RST measures
radians, what is the value of y?
- 00:00
Yeah Whoa Okay I say t match my purse We
- 00:05
have a circle here It's not drawn to scale so
- 00:07
you've got to be skeptical of it We've got to
- 00:09
wind the rst right there Okay So if s the
- 00:13
middle thing here represents the origin and our esteemed measures
Full Transcript
- 00:17
pie over three radiance What is the value of why
- 00:24
Okay Well why Oh why are we looking for why
- 00:27
we're so used to looking for acts were flexible though
- 00:30
To make this problem at least a bit more familiar
- 00:32
Let's convert that radiant measure into degrees Remember we've got
- 00:36
S Opie radiance over three their time one hundred eighty
- 00:39
over pi radiance That sixty degrees right there At least
- 00:42
that's a start The big secret about trigonometry is found
- 00:45
in its first three letters Trick try Angle triangles are
- 00:49
always somehow involved with trigonometry In this particular case we're
- 00:53
dealing with a right triangle so draw one right inside
- 00:56
the circle And when in doubt just always do that
- 00:58
on a problem like this Well that angle has been
- 01:01
labeled thanks to our unit conversion We can also label
- 01:04
the sides of a triangle using the point to why
- 01:07
and X is the horizontal access right there So the
- 01:10
horse on a leg must measure to But well we
- 01:13
don't know what Why is the proportions of the sides
- 01:16
on a thirty sixty ninety triangle would be helpful right
- 01:19
about now and well we have them So they're right
- 01:21
They're multiplying too By square with three yields Are y
- 01:24
value So we get to Times Square with three Yeah 00:01:27.02 --> [endTime] it's seek We're not
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