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PSAT Writing Diagnostic Videos 31 videos
PSAT 1.1 Writing Diagnostic. How should the underlined portion be changed in the passage, if at all?
PSAT 1.10 Writing Diagnostic. How would you change the below underlined portion of the passage, if at all?
PSAT 1.11 Writing Diagnostic. How would you change the underlined portion, if at all?
PSAT 1.16 Writing Diagnostic 76 Views
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PSAT 1.16 Writing Diagnostic. How would you change the underlined portion of the passage, if at all?
- 00:03
And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by the Bureau of
- 00:06
Land Management located just next door to the bureau of bureau management some [Bureau of bureau management building]
- 00:11
of those dressers can get a bit out of control check out the following passage here
- 00:17
we go......[mumbling]
- 00:44
...all right how would you change the below underlined portion of the passage
Full Transcript
- 00:47
if at all..impacting and here are the potential answers.....We have an impacted
- 00:55
molar it's impacting our ability to not make this face and mentally it's not our [Girl making funny face with toothache]
- 01:01
prettiest face but the dentist can't see us until next Tuesday... Alright we're not in
- 01:06
teething.. how is this passage using the word impacting and let's take a look [Girl at a densist]
- 01:14
...A few days later she had gone back to it and in the course of those [Statue with water pouring out of its mouth]
- 01:21
few days the names of TJ Joe and Rick had been etched into the panel impacting
- 01:27
one of the human figures option A) seems to think there's nothing to see here...
- 01:32
Impacting is a vague term and doesn't [man etching names into stone]
- 01:37
quite describe what happened when the names were etched onto the panel yeah
- 01:41
sure it was technically impacted but so is the front door of your house when you
- 01:45
open it or your self control when you decide to do the finish the entire pint
- 01:49
of ice cream it basically just means that the panel was affected which [Girl with a full tub of ice cream]
- 01:53
doesn't tell us much so we're on the lookout for something better how about
- 01:56
C) making an impact on... Well way to take a word we already discounted and turn
- 02:01
into four words, no if impact was the right choice and the overly wordy
- 02:06
version of the same thing isn't going to save the day either so we'll nix C)... D)
- 02:10
crashing that's like they're not even trying to fool us with this one crashing [Person etching into a panel and person playing with a toy car]
- 02:15
one of the human figures hmm no doesn't even make sense in some cases it might
- 02:20
work as a viable replacement for impacting but here you probably do
- 02:24
better just drawing a random word out of a hat so it's definitely not D) ....So B)
- 02:32
it is marring which means disfiguring or defacing is a much better choice here it [marring word definition]
- 02:39
gets across the idea that the vandals took a perfectly pristine piece of rock [Car parks next to a rock]
- 02:42
art and decided it could be improved upon leaving their own personal mark of
- 02:49
course ever since we got this impacted molar marring is also what it sounds [Girl with an impacted molar]
- 02:53
like any time we try to say this word... yeah we will just ask our dentist to take
- 02:58
them all out...
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