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Propositions and Connectives 277 Views
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- 00:04
Propositions and Connectives, a la shmooop.
- 00:11
Here's a proposition: You will say "yes" when I ask you to marry me.
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Well, yeah, not very romantic but it's a mathematical proposition otherwise known as a statement.
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And well, many nerdygirls and guys would actually find this a nifty way to ask for a lifetime
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of marital bliss but that's a different story. A proposition or statement is an equation
Full Transcript
- 00:29
that is either true OR false - but not both. There is always an equating delimiter in there
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- like an equals sign a greater than/ less than thingy or other similar vehicles to compare
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2 values. in this case, the gal is either gonna say
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<girly voice> I do <reg> or she'll say <well it's been lovely but.... I gotta go...> in
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which case the statement is then false. There is no <well, maybe when you get a real job>
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- 00:59
Some other propositions - 6 plus 4 is 10 - true; 6 plus 4 is 20 – false. 6 minus 4 is
- 01:07
2 – true; 6 minus 4 is infinity squared… uh, false.
- 01:12
OK so thats propositions. What about connectives? Well, connectives... connect. So think about
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our big question popping here:
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p: you will say 'yes' q: when i ask you to marry me
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the 3 flavors - uh no there are only 3 connectives: that is…
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negation: NOT p as in... i will NOT say 'yes' when you ask me to marry you
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the 2nd flavor is called conjunction…
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as in... you will say 'yes' when i ask you to marry me AND 6 plus 4 is 22. BOTH of these
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conditions have to be true for the statement to be true. so in the first part, there's
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a conditional element - will she or wont she?
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but for this statement to be true, she has to in fact say yes when he asks AND he has
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to work for the congressional budget committee because thats the only place on earth where
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6 plus 4 is 22. otherwise that 2nd element is always false and so the proposition or
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statement in toto is false....
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ok the 3rd flavor is called disjunction.
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like.. dis junction and dat junction
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but DISJUNCTION is just another $5 word for... Or.
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that is... the statement is true if EITHER condition is met - like... condition a: you
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will say 'yes' when i ask you to marry me; OR 6 plus 4 is 22.
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the proposition is true under the 'laws' of disjunction because the gal cartoon really
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loves this statue dude and well, they wanna make babies.
- 02:35
yeah, as soon as possible - we know, we know.... so since the first part is true it doesnt
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matter that the second part is false - the condition of either one OR the other being
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true is met and the overall proposition is true.
- 02:50
Guess they don’t have to worry about their kid being…statuesque…
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