Where Monty Python meets your 10th grade teacher.
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Well, if this book doesn't make you want to tape over your laptop camera, we don't know what will.
By the end of this video, you will be brainwashed. There's nothing you can do about it; we just wanted to let you know. We like to think we're bigg...
You might be hearing a chorus of farewells if you recommend A Farewell to Arms as the next read for your Fabulously Feisty Feminist Book Club.
Monster 21918 Views
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Monster isn't about the kind of monsters that hide under your bed. These ones are way worse.
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Monster, a la Shmoop. There’s something in your closet… and
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it ain’t just your laundry hamper.
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When you first showed up on this planet . . . . . . there were only two people who really
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mattered to you. But that didn’t last long.
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By the time you left elementary school . . . . . . you cared a lot less what your ma and
Full Transcript
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pa thought. . . . . . and a whole lot more about what these
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guys thought. Which isn’t such a bad thing, as long as
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your friends stay out of trouble . . . . . . but what about when they don’t?
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In Monster, Steven is a teenager on trial for murder.
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From the opening of the novel, we’re not sure if Steven is guilty of a crime . . .
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. . . or just a guy with bad luck who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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One thing we do know . . . . . . is that Steven could have used some
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better friends. So why didn’t Steven just walk away when
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James tried to recruit him as part of his “crew”?
- 01:01
Is peer pressure that powerful? Well, most of us don’t like being on the
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outside. We want to be “cool.” We want to be accepted.
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Even when we hear that little voice . . . . . . telling us maybe these aren’t the
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kind of folks we should be hanging around with.
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But you’ve got to admit, some people are hard to say no to . . .
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. . . and fear makes us do a lot of things we know we shouldn’t do.
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Steven might have gotten involved with James because he was afraid of what might happen
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if he didn’t. Then again, maybe fear had nothing to do with
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it. Maybe Steven was so unsure about his future
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. . . . . . and tempted by James’ promise of easy
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money . . . . . . that he let the loudest voice in the
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room tell him what to do. That’s the thing about peer pressure . . .
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. . . the people doing the talking make what they’re selling sound pretty sweet . . .
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. . . and it takes a whole lot of strength to resist.
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Some people are good at standing up for themselves . . .
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. . . and some people aren’t. So, why do we have so much trouble resisting
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peer pressure? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
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