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Media Literacy Part 10: Online Safety 439 Views
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- 00:01
We speak student!
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Media Literacy
- 00:07
Online Safety
- 00:09
a la Shmoop
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Hi! And we're back.
Full Transcript
- 00:13
Talking with Deb from Shmoop
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about online safety now.
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So, Deb, why should we care about what we post online?
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Why not have those embarrassing photos
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and send them to our employers
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in the future and so on and so on?
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Well, to be honest, sometimes it doesn't matter
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if you post embarrassing photos because no one's gonna see them.
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But you really don't wanna work under that assumption.
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If you are applying for a job,
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you better believe that your future employers
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are going to be Googling you, trying to find you on all social media,
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and seeing if they can find the one picture
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to convince them not to hire you.
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Whether that's a picture of you partying
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or just looking like a slob or an idiot.
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If you turn, say, your Facebook off
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as you're applying for jobs,
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definitely helps, good suggestion there.
- 01:00
Don't use Facebook, Twitter, et cetera, while you're applying for jobs.
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You never know what employers will think is bad.
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It might be that one employer thinks
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that that picture of you partying
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is fine and another won't,
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so it's better to just turn it all off.
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How deep does this go? So, for example,
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there have been a bunch of legal cases
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about very left-wing companies
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and very right-wing companies making employment hires
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or choosing not to make employment hires
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based on political beliefs.
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How should we think about that
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when posting political beliefs
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and all that? I mean, it's kind of who we are.
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Shouldn't we have the right to say that?
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Is it legal for employers to not hire us because of that?
- 01:40
Yeah, there's kind of that balance between
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free speech and the right for a private company
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to make decisions based on what they believe.
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Those are things that normally we say,
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"Don't talk about it at a dinner party," right?
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But you probably shouldn't talk about them at work.
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There are other forums to express those ideas.
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And, again, that's why, if you wanna express those ideas
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on social media, go for it. But then when it comes time
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to apply for a job
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or you're doing anything where you might be put in the public eye,
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it's good to turn those off.
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Gotta remember that turning off your social media
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doesn't mean people can't find it.
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It just makes it a lot harder for them to find it.
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So you mentioned finding it.
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What if you post anonymously?
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Is Big Brother really watching us? What if we do post anonymously?
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Well, there's no such thing as anonymous, Dave.
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There really isn't.
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When you post anonymously,
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all you're doing is making it harder
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for someone to figure out who it is.
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So if I go online
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and someone's posting anonymously, I'm probably gonna say,
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"Oh, okay, I don't know who this is." and move on.
- 02:41
But if someone really wants to figure out who it is,
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they have your IP address.
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They can figure out exactly who you are,
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where you posted it, when you posted it.
- 02:49
Got it. Okay, makes sense.
- 02:53
[ whoop ]
- 02:54
Why should we care about what we post online?
- 02:58
How should we think about posting political beliefs in social media?
- 03:03
What happens when you post anonymously?
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