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Speech Videos 2 videos
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech has stood the test of time, and we think it always will.
This was Barack Obama’s original campaign slogan, but it didn’t test all that well with the voters.
Hope, Despair, Memory 1898 Views
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This was Barack Obama’s original campaign slogan, but it didn’t test all that well with the voters.
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Hope, Despair and Misery, a la Shmoop. And you thought that guy who won the Best
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Actor Oscar last year gave a great acceptance speech.
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Pshaw. In 1986, Elie Wiesel <<Ee-lee why-zuhl>> was
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awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
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However, the speech he gave when he accepted the award was so brilliant and moving…
Full Transcript
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…that they nearly also awarded him the Nobel Prize for Literature on the spot.
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All right, we may be exaggerating a tad. But it was good. Real good.
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In his speech, Wiesel argued for the importance of peace.
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He begged the world to face history and learn from it, because “it is memory that will
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save humanity.”
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He said that, “…there may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but
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there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
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It was powerful, stirring, rich with horrifying anecdotes from Wiesel’s own life…
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…and was enough to make a pacifist out of just about anyone.
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And yet… there are still religious wars being waged every day.
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Minorities are still persecuted, senseless acts of violence and cruelty run rampant.
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Does this mean that Wiesel’s speech… really didn’t do much?
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To be fair… it was just a speech.
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A half hour or so of words.
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Impactful and rousing words, granted… but words, and nothing more.
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No weapons had been taken out of the hands of the hateful…
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…no religious conversions had been performed. His speech might have changed minds…
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…but in the scheme of things, he really didn’t reach that wide of an audience.
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It wasn’t like the Nobel Committee could stream it online.
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It would be asking a lot of Elie Wiesel to craft a speech that would actually inspire
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peace on earth and good will toward men.
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He was a great man with a great mind, but he was no miracle worker.
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But just because there was no sudden, sweeping change in humankind’s treatment of one another…
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…did that mean his speech was a failure? Obviously, if everyone in this world gave
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up, we’d be in rough shape.
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There would be acts of uninhibited racism committed every minute.
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A misguided sense of ethnic superiority would reign supreme.
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Although he was only one small soldier on a sprawling battlefield…
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…didn’t Wiesel do his part to help the rest of us… keep fighting?
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Or, perhaps more appropriately… to stop fighting?
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It is these rare, inspirational voices that gradually move the slow ticking needle of
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human progress forward.
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Although the effect of this one speech on its own may be negligible…
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…it is this practice of broadcasting a message promoting love and acceptance that reminds
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each of us of our humanity.
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It’s just a shame that we can’t flip on the TV and hear more of it, more often.
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Instead of being inspired by some hot new actress to purchase her latest fragrance.
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