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Hero's Journey Videos 14 videos
Join us for part one of the Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell. We'll find out who he is, what he's responsible for, and if he has anything to do with...
Join us for part two of the Hero's Journey: The Three Stages. It'll be way less fun than watching the Three Stooges.
Join us for part three of the Hero's Journey: Archetypes. Then, feel free to send us a letter about your favorite archetype, which we may or may no...
Hero's Journey 5 The Collective Unconscious 76 Views
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Join us for part five of the Hero's Journey: The Collective Unconscious. Otherwise known as every slumber party, ever.
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Thank you We sneak in the hero's journey the collective
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unconscious flashman What is the collective unconscious The collective unconscious
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is a concept that was articulated by carl young who
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was a swiss psychologist psychoanalyst a student of freud's And
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you know freud has this idea that we have all
Full Transcript
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sorts of like repressed memories in us Cool than our
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dreams are really meaning fall and they kind of animate
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our conscious life in a way that we don't understand
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Young articulates this idea that the unconscious is not discreet
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within each individual person but that there's a wide kind
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of unconsciousness that all of humanity participates in and draws
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in So campbell uses that idea to help explain how
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the same story keeps cropping up a gallon again Because
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he says that this idea of the hero's journey is
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part of the collective unconscious of humanity And so when
- 01:11
people sort of go to write stories they draw on
- 01:14
the same archetypes again and again What is the collective 00:01:23.934 --> [endTime] unconscious
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