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Forex Videos 93 videos
What are credit ratings and how are they interpreted? Credit ratings describe a borrower’s likelihood to pay back their debts; it’s a look at h...
What is a basis point? Basis points are how changes in financial securities are described. “The stock dropped 100 points” actually means that t...
What are high yield/junk bonds? Junk bonds are called junk for a reason. They are really risky, but because of this risk, they can pay very well. T...
Finance: What is intellectual property? 6 Views
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- Life Skills / Finance Definitions
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- 00:00
Finance Allah shmoop What is intellectual property Well here's really
- 00:08
property Cows barn Verdell Isar Surgical facemasks But this wealthy
- 00:14
Zehr blueprints for a state of the art brand new
- 00:16
semi conductor Awesome device can store the entire video library
- 00:20
of Netflix on your wrist Took a thousand people four
Full Transcript
- 00:23
years to build the blueprints and they're probably worth a
- 00:25
half a billion dollars today Think of them as brain
- 00:28
splatter the good kind of brain flat not the zombie
- 00:31
eaten kind The best ideas splattered on paper and then
- 00:34
filed with the U S and other patent offices around
- 00:36
the world likely to be licensed in return for cash
- 00:39
payments to a variety of computer device makers Overtime This
- 00:43
paper it's intellectual property Or rather the ideas represented on
- 00:48
it are I pee and they're sellable just like any
- 00:51
other property Cars horses homes land planes remote controlled gardening
- 00:54
Cheers Yeah whatever Intellectual property generally refers to anything that's
- 00:58
not like touchable M C Hammer knows what we're talking
- 01:01
about you and or more like It's just ideas or
- 01:05
assets that only live as concepts The Disney brand intellectual
- 01:09
property the Disney theme park Riel property The recipe for
- 01:13
Coke intellectual property That bottle of Coke Safeway just sold
- 01:17
you for three bucks Riel property the shmoop name and
- 01:20
logo And this schmuck audio sounding thing Yeah intellectual property
- 01:24
The shmoop t shirt on this cute kid riel property
- 01:27
The kid Well not property There are laws against that 00:01:30.45 --> [endTime] sort of thing but she's cute anyway Hi
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