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Incorporation Videos 104 videos
What is a Dissident Director? The Board of Directors of a company usually reaches a consensus the majority of the time in order to decide on polici...
"Safe harbor" refers to the notion that, if you follow a basic set of rules, you cannot be found guilty of a crime or shady dealings.
What is Contingent Liability? Contingent liability refers to a possible liability in the future contingent upon some other event being the trigger....
Finance: What is a Prospectus? 14 Views
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What is a prospectus? A prospectus is a document that gives the investor information on their investment. The SEC says that if a company is going to offer investments to the public, then they need to be accompanied by a prospectus. They provide things like company financials and share purchase info (price, amount, etc.).
- Social Studies / Finance
- Finance / Financial Responsibility
- Life Skills / Personal Finance
- Finance / Finance Definitions
- Life Skills / Finance Definitions
- Finance / Personal Finance
- Courses / Finance Concepts
- Subjects / Finance and Economics
- Finance and Economics / Terms and Concepts
- Terms and Concepts / Banking
- Terms and Concepts / Company Management
- Terms and Concepts / Company Valuation
- Terms and Concepts / Credit
- Terms and Concepts / Entrepreneur
- Terms and Concepts / Incorporation
- Terms and Concepts / IPO
- Terms and Concepts / Managed Funds
- Terms and Concepts / Metrics
- Terms and Concepts / Trading
- Terms and Concepts / Wealth
- College and Career / Personal Finance
- 00:00
Finance a la Shmoop. What is a prospectus? Well it's just a marketing document,[prospectus book]
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selling money and it outlines the basics of the investment, that the money being
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raised is actually going for. That is like, what does the business do
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for a living? How much revenue has it produced the
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last few years? How much profit? How many units of whatever were sold? What did
Full Transcript
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those units cost the company to produce? Who's running this show and did [list of questions]
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they have any felony convictions? Who's on the board? Any lawsuits outstanding
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against the company? Yah it's stuff like that. So prospectus, is the set of papers
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that covers all of the above and goes out with a new security that's being
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offered to buyers and that can be equity and or debt and or both. Prospecti are
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generally given for larger financial offerings. That cover more than just
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sophisticated investors. For small private offerings, money is raised via a
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very simple contract. Usually just a few pages are so. Covering the basics that a [man signing contract]
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prospectus we cover and that includes what common industry parlance refers to
- 01:02
as a big boy letter. Meaning that if the investment goes fully bankrupt, that you
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by signing here, you represent and warrant that you are a big boy or girl
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and that you have the financial sophistication to understand the risks
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and you won't cry about things if they turn sour. But small investment which
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carries extremely high risk of full failure. [man walking with papers] Yeah those are usually done by
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professionals ie the wealthy. So the government doesn't view them as needing
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the same kind of training wheels and safety netting that the average Joe Blow
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needs when he's making an investment. Prospecti are required in registered
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offerings, to protect the average investor, from sleazy wheeler dealers. Who
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might not disclose that the wastewater from the company's chemical processing
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plant did in fact produce three headed fish downstream. As cool as it is to have[3 headed goldfish]
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three headed fish, well three headed people, less cool. So it might be a
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problem for that fertilizer producer in the future. That prospectus marketing
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document reflects the fact that the company, is you know, prospecting for
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money here. And in the process the company has to disclose all the basics
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about what it's raising the money for, the good, the bad, and
- 02:13
the three-headed. Yeah glug-glug that's a prospectus. [man in study with scotch]
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