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Finance: What are Government Bonds? 52 Views
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What are government bonds? Uncle Sam needs dough. He sells bonds in the form of T-Bills, T-Notes, Treasury paper of all flavors. His credo? The credit of those bonds is backed by his ability to tax his hard-working citizens.
- Social Studies / Finance
- Finance / Financial Responsibility
- Life Skills / Personal Finance
- Finance / Finance Definitions
- Life Skills / Finance Definitions
- Finance / Personal Finance
- Courses / Finance Concepts
- Finance and Economics / Terms and Concepts
- Subjects / Finance and Economics
- Terms and Concepts / Banking
- Terms and Concepts / Bonds
- Terms and Concepts / Company Management
- Terms and Concepts / Credit
- Terms and Concepts / Econ
- Terms and Concepts / Forex
- Terms and Concepts / Insurance
- Terms and Concepts / International
- Terms and Concepts / Investing
- Terms and Concepts / Managed Funds
- Terms and Concepts / Marketing
- Terms and Concepts / Muni Bonds
- Terms and Concepts / Regulations
- Terms and Concepts / Stocks
- Terms and Concepts / Trading
- Terms and Concepts / Wealth
- College and Career / Personal Finance
- 00:00
finance a la shmoop. what are government bonds?
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now we're gonna narrow this question a bit and declare these bonds to be US [hands shape the question]
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government bonds. our answer would be a tad different if we were discussing
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bonds backed by North Korea Nigeria or Egypt so US government bonds come in a
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few flavours. generally speaking they range in duration that is how long it
Full Transcript
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takes for them to mature and the principal get paid off. short-term US
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government paper it's a fancy term for a bond ,refers to things that come due in a
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year or less. that's short-term. year or less. and then there are Treasury bills
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which come in a variety of durations and our price like this note how different
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these look versus just you know buying a bond .but when you buy a bond it has a [chart shows prices]
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face amount of say a thousand bucks for what is called its par value. that piece
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of paper might agree that clown shoes incorporated which is where most
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congressmen get their Footwear of course, will pay 30 bucks twice a year to the
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holder for 10 years, and then pay back the original thousand bucks invested
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it's like a normal vanilla bond, the interest rate here in this case is 6%
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per year, but many US government notes are sold at auction which means they
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sell at a discount to their par value. well regardless of how they're sold US [auction with a clown in attendance]
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government bonds are backed by what is generally perceived in the world as the
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most certain or secure financial backing. even more powerful than Google .if sorry
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Larry and Sergey we're just keeping it real. the bonds are backed specifically
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by the US government's right to tax its citizens. and oh they tax us. do they ever.
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so now you can stop wondering about that bottomless hole a third or more of every
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paycheck vanishes into. [portion of paycheck flies down dark hole in the ground]
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