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Finance: What are Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (FNMA)? 21 Views
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What are Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae? They sound like snack cakes to us, so, uh...maybe we should watch this video.
- Social Studies / Finance
- Finance / Financial Responsibility
- College and Career / Personal Finance
- Life Skills / Personal Finance
- Finance / Finance Definitions
- Life Skills / Finance Definitions
- Finance / Personal Finance
- Courses / Finance Concepts
- Subjects / Finance and Economics
- Finance and Economics / Terms and Concepts
- Terms and Concepts / Bonds
- Terms and Concepts / Investing
- Terms and Concepts / Muni Bonds
- Terms and Concepts / Stocks
- Terms and Concepts / Trading
- 00:00
What are Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae? while they're
- 00:07
government-sponsored loan vehicles that's what now first up Freddie Mac
- 00:12
Federal Housing loan mortgage corporations kind of rolls off your
- 00:17
tongue there doesn't it well they provide liquidity affordability and
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stability in the housing market both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae buy
Full Transcript
- 00:25
mortgages from lenders they package and pool them like put them all in one easy [Lenders and Investors]
- 00:29
to buy a package and sell them to investors and this magic happens via
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these government organizations providing money at reasonable interest rates to
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banks savings and loans and other mortgage distributors who in turn lend
- 00:44
that money out to Joe the Plumber buying his relatively inexpensive first
- 00:49
or second home Freddie Mac was created during the Nixon administration to make [Nixon in a parade]
- 00:54
the buying of mortgages more liquid especially for the little guy the small
- 00:59
mortgage first time home buying public well a big driver in all of this was the
- 01:03
notion that owning your own home was a central part of the American Dream and [guy moving into a sold house]
- 01:09
that anyone and everyone who was willing to work hard and and generally do the [guy fixing pipes]
- 01:14
dance with you know the khaki pants should in fact be able to afford to own [people dancing in khaki pants]
- 01:18
their you know semi malfunctioning septic tank all yours baby Freddie Mac [septic tank getting emptied]
- 01:23
and Fannie Mae also packaged a bunch of mortgages and sell them into the
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secondary mortgage market lenders can then have further liquidity and make [lenders, Freddie Mac, secondary mortgage market flow chart]
- 01:31
more loans stimulating the economy on many levels additionally these
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organizations guarantee the timely payment of interest and principal to the
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bank's loaning that money thus de-risking a lot of the loan risk from
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an investor perspective and having the resulting outcome usually be cheaper
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interest rates for the borrowers well Freddie's partner in this dance is
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Fannie Fannie Mae aka the federal National Mortgage Association Freddie [fancy dancing]
- 01:59
leads in buying mortgages on the secondary market he puts them all in an
- 02:03
easily digestible investment vehicle and then resells them well the goal of both
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Freddie and Fannie is to stabilize and expand the broader housing
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market especially at the lower end there well the key difference economically
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between the two is the supplier of debt or rather from whom they buy Freddie
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buys from myriad smaller institutions in that secondary market whereas Fannie
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buys from large commercial banks why does that work
- 02:28
no like this Freddie knocks on the door of the Bank of America mortgage loan [Freddie knocks on mortgage door]
- 02:32
Department in there a big national clearance center right there up in the
- 02:35
clouds he sifts through thousands of mortgages that fit one set of criteria
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or another a certain loan size a certain duration to maturity a certain risk
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level even geographic exposure like we're nervous about the southeast
- 02:51
because global warming is Florida gonna be a big swimming pool or not yeah well [map of united states, florida highlighted]
- 02:55
Freddie then creates a financial product in which investors can you know invest [Freddie picking up papers]
- 02:59
which is like seven billion dollars worth of mortgages in one unit well [box of $7 Billion worth of Mortgages]
- 03:04
maybe they have an average size of a hundred grand so in total in that unit [mortgages going into risk bucket]
- 03:08
there are at ten thousand of these small mortgages in one bucket which of all of
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them pay fully to maturity as expected well then they will deliver to investors
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a return of say six point two three four or five percent something like that and
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everyone knows that there will be some defaults in these mortgages some
- 03:24
deadbeats who need lawyers that come after them to pay the bills they [guy driving car]
- 03:27
promised to pay some who have calamitous family situations that won't just don't [guy driving fancier car]
- 03:32
let them have the dough to pay and sadly they will be escorted kindly out of [coffin in church, guy moving out of foreclosed house]
- 03:36
their homes by the sheriff to go live in their station wagon or wherever they're [station wagon parked at lake]
- 03:40
forced to go live it's all part of the mortgage dance and Freddie's job is to
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aggregate those loans and then resell them to investors who want to just write
- 03:48
one big fat check nut and thousand of them and Fannie Mae basically sprays [Freddie Mac $1B check]
- 03:53
wd-40 on the train track to let everything slip and slide along all the [WD-40 sprayed on train track]
- 03:57
more lovingly because it's very difficult to do the dance when you're
- 04:01
holding ten thousand cheques so yeah maybe Freddie and Fannie can help you [businessman dancing with bags of money]
- 04:05
hold those Oh
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