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19th-Century British Literature Videos 19 videos
How did Scrooge go from being naughty to nice so quickly, and why? (Hint: contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with the ghost of Santa...
It may be the best of times for Chuck Darnay, but it's pretty much constantly the worst of times for Sydney. Poor guy.
Meet Charles Darnay, the nobleman who spends more time on trial and in prison than attending balls and drinking expensive wine. Don't feel too bad...
Everything About Bleak House 2522 Views
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The house may be bleak, and so will your social life when you take on this epically long novel. Dickens is pretty hip, though, so you'll earn some sweet bragging rights.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak Leek house allah shmoop you can
- 00:07
tell right off the bat that this isn't going to
- 00:09
be a happy journey mainly because it has charles dickens's
- 00:12
name on the cover Oh and because it's called bleak
- 00:15
house not setting time Happy home for bunning's house leek
Full Transcript
- 00:18
house is a story of murder suicide betrayal love fear
- 00:23
and smallpox not only is your soul going to ache
- 00:26
a bit when it's over So are your arms because
- 00:29
this book is huge like it weighs a ton why
- 00:32
this bleak house need to be so darn long you
- 00:34
may have heard the charles dickens got paid by the
- 00:36
word what the dickens what's wrong with my hand f
- 00:41
y i if we got paid for the word you'd
- 00:43
need some bucket of popcorn to get through this video
- 00:46
But that's an urban legend kind of like the one
- 00:48
about lady putting her dog in the microwave It's alleged
- 00:53
dickens did not get paid by the word however he
- 00:55
did get paid by the installment people eagerly awaited each
- 00:59
monthly installment of dickens cliffhanger field stories Can you imagine
- 01:03
having a wait a month between each chapter of your
- 01:05
favorite book You'd either Have to read each as it
- 01:08
came out or wait for the giant volume to be
- 01:10
released and spend a weekend been dreaming Even if diggins
- 01:14
wasn't paid by the installment leek house would still be
- 01:17
super long because well that's just how the victorians rolled
- 01:20
novels of the time were often of epic length you
- 01:23
need to rent a cart and a donkey for a
- 01:25
trip home from the bookstore toe haul back the works
- 01:28
of the bronte sisters jane austen victor hugo leo tolstoy
- 01:32
and the others They didn't have tv back then so
- 01:35
what else would they do Decide to read and write
- 01:37
Plus lifting these heavy books is a great way to
- 01:39
tone your upper arms even though long books were on
- 01:42
vogue back in those days bleak house was especially dense
- 01:45
it's dickins version of an epic dickens does homer if
- 01:49
you will need more cycles it deals with philosophy and
- 01:55
philanthropy issues of social class and a bunch of creepy
- 01:58
bird straight out of a hitchcock movie nick and shows
- 02:01
us london life from all sides from all points of
- 02:03
view from every perspective as we said pretty epic in
- 02:08
the most traditional sense Of the word Wait what the 00:02:15.468 --> [endTime] dickens what's wrong with my hand
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