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ELA Drills, Intermediate: Spelling 3 510 Views
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ELA Drills, Intermediate: Spelling 3
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak spelling allah shma as you can
- 00:06
probably imagine spies need to be great and eavesdropping The
- 00:10
ones with bad hearing don't last very long in the
- 00:12
business nor in life in general But spies also have
- 00:15
to be great at writing down what they hear A
Full Transcript
- 00:18
welcome to the shmoop undercover lab for all sorts of
- 00:21
hi tech spy equipment is being assembled and tested Currently
- 00:25
we're working on an invisible hand invisible ink device and
- 00:28
well we need your help testing it out They will
- 00:31
say a word and you type the correct spelling of
- 00:33
it in the text box Don't worry We're not all
- 00:36
spelling bee champs around here We'll also give you a
- 00:38
sentence and a definition So you know what in the
- 00:41
world we're talking about All right here we go Betray
- 00:44
as in the evil agent actually kind of liked grammar
- 00:48
So he wanted to betray his agency by joining shmoop
- 00:52
and the definition to turn against someone to be treacherous
- 00:56
Well done Well if you're a spy you might not
- 00:59
be captured and killed instantly It's Probably like you know
- 01:02
sixty forty shot Okay next one register as in it
- 01:06
Took the agency awhile to register the fact that one
- 01:09
of their agents had left them without so much as
- 01:11
a love note Here's the definition have something suddenly makes
- 01:14
sense or to become aware of something like you just
- 01:17
became aware of the definition of the word register next
- 01:20
up adaptable as in it was hard for the agent
- 01:24
to get used to life and shmoop but luckily he
- 01:27
was pretty adaptable And it means able to change the
- 01:30
incredible hulk for example is well uber adaptable specialized He
- 01:35
learned to specialize in common use something that the agency
- 01:39
never would have thought A pose comma comey's Alright the
- 01:42
definition Focus on your study A specific area invisible as
- 01:47
in shmoop even taught him out of the an invisible
- 01:49
hand to write an invisible ink The word means not
- 01:53
visible or not able to be seen by the eye
- 01:56
Next crimson as in even the weather was better It
- 02:00
shmoop headquarters He could lie in the sun until he
- 02:02
turned crimson here's the definition a dark vibrant red A
- 02:06
quick health tip you do not want to go for
- 02:08
crimson went tanning just a hair's breadth away from burnt
- 02:12
sienna Okay moving on Rely for example he learned how
- 02:16
to rely on a team rather than just work alone
- 02:19
And it means you have ten done in that situation
- 02:23
As in the evil agency was upset about this situation
- 02:27
They worried that their ex agent would give up all
- 02:30
of their secrets like how they took their coffee and
- 02:33
where they kept their secret stash of ho hos All
- 02:35
right here's the definition the state of things What is
- 02:38
happening Mission as in finally the agency decided they needed
- 02:43
toe launch a mission to go back and bring your
- 02:46
runaway jin home definition an operation or special assignment who
- 02:51
plot thickens essential in order for the agency to succeed
- 02:55
It was essential that they convinced the ex agent that
- 02:58
grammar would never be fun as if anyone could possibly
- 03:01
fall for that here's the definition necessary vital concession As
- 03:06
in after speaking with him however the agency had to
- 03:09
make a concession that grammar could in fact be fun
- 03:12
While they sure came quickly here's the definition the act
- 03:15
of yielding or conceding to something ashamed as in and
- 03:19
say it actually enjoyed themselves at some of the agents
- 03:22
Had to return home a shame it means embarrassed that
- 03:25
they'd had tails when they would've been hanging between their
- 03:27
legs Caught there's no way evil could have caught their
- 03:31
ex spy because he was right Grammar is the bomb
- 03:34
dot com and the definition past part of simple of
- 03:37
catch to capture to grasp all right squirm In the
- 03:41
end shmoop had come out on top once again and
- 03:43
it plans to continue making the agency squirm for a
- 03:46
long time and here's the definition the wiggle often in
- 03:49
discomfort or wind struggling If you've ever watched a nationally
- 03:53
televised political debate you know what we're talking about and
- 03:56
finally reform as in perhaps one day evil will reef
- 04:00
form and not be so stinking evil and the definition
- 04:04
could change for the better and that's it from uppers
- 04:06
way to put the agency in its place by putting
- 04:08
your impressive spelling skills to use now let's Just hope
- 04:11
they never get any ideas and try to infiltrate shmoop 00:04:14.633 --> [endTime] headquarters again That could spell disaster
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