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ELA Drills Videos 12 videos
ELA Drills, Beginner: Meanings 1. Use context clues from the text to find the answer.
ELA Drills, Beginner: Point of View 2. Identify what sort of narration is being used and which character's thoughts or feelings are being revealed.
ELA Drills, Beginner: Textual Analysis 3. What can you infer from the sentence in the video?
ELA Drills, Beginner: Comparing and Contrasting 4 22 Views
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ELA Drills, Beginner: Comparing and Contrasting 4. What do these two sentences have in common?
- 00:04
And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by camping
- 00:06
it's that fun-filled time where we decide to regress a few hundred years [Family around a tent]
- 00:10
and poop in a hole well we go look for an actual bathroom thank you very much
- 00:16
why don't you take a look at these two sentences camping can be a fun family [Sentences appear]
- 00:20
activity in the summer you'll need a tent cooking supplies and safety gear
Full Transcript
- 00:24
when you go camping of your todays question what are these two sentences
- 00:27
have in common and here your potential answers alright fun activity is
- 00:31
important well because we like to consider ourselves decent folk we'll [Bear appears in the woods]
- 00:36
give you some advice donkey food around your campsite unless you want to wake up
- 00:40
to find bears throw on a barbecue also read those sentences carefully and keep [Man screams as bear cooking a barbecue]
- 00:44
an eye out for key words if any of the key words match we have a winner ding
- 00:48
ding ding if not it's time to go back to the drawing board and if you don't have
- 00:51
a drawing board well maybe it's time to buy a drawing board [Man answers door and drawing board falls on him]
- 00:54
you think so keeping all that in mind let's check a if we take a look at the
- 00:58
two sentences we can see that fun activities to do with your family comes
- 01:02
up in the first sentence but not the second camping might be a fun activity
- 01:06
to do with your family but comparing sentences find differences probably [Family in a tent comparing sentences]
- 01:10
isn't even if you do it in a tent while leaving s'mores either way is not right
- 01:15
what about B hmm well it concerns about safety come up in the second tent but
- 01:19
not the first so if you're all concerned with getting right answer you definitely
- 01:23
won't pick B how about D summer activities come up in the first sentence
- 01:28
but not in the second and comparing sentences is an activity that can be [Man looking at sentences in field]
- 01:31
done in all seasons we highly recommend fall while the leaves are changing and
- 01:36
you can sip on a PSL from Starbucks but in all seasons D is still the wrong
- 01:42
answer which leaves us with C camping comes up not just in the first sentence
- 01:46
but the second as well so both sentences have camping in common and bingo we have
- 01:51
our answer and one so that certainly easier than trying to shoe a fan in the [Family trying to poke a bear cooking on the barbecue]
- 01:55
face barbecue
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