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ELA Drills, Advanced: Punctuation 1. Which option best completes the sentence?
ELA Drills, Advanced: Spelling. Which of the words is spelled correctly?
ELA Drills, Advanced: Point of View 1. Which of the answers best captures the author's purpose in writing this text?
ELA Drills, Advanced: Textual Analysis 1 70 Views
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ELA Drills, Advanced: Textual Analysis 1. What can you infer from this passage about carrots?
- 00:04
Here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by carrots, they improve [A stack of carrots]
- 00:07
your vision and bunnies eat them all the time which makes us wonder do bunnies
- 00:11
have x-ray vision....yeah all right
- 00:16
well check out the following passage despite their high nutritional value
- 00:19
carrots are among the most disgusting vegetables in the world so what can you
Full Transcript
- 00:24
infer from the passage and here are your potential answers....
- 00:28
So, we're looking for something that's not totally [Boy looking for an item in a living room]
- 00:34
obvious but it's implied by the tone or phrasing of this passage so something
- 00:39
like carrots are among the most disgusting vegetables in the world, is
- 00:42
way too explicit to be inferred or implied since it's sitting right there [Girl chewing on a carrot]
- 00:47
in the text well let's take a look at our options and see which one we can
- 00:50
infer from the passage starting with A this one isn't a great fit...sure the
- 00:54
author mentions that carrots have high nutritional value but that doesn't [Person cutting up slices of carrot]
- 00:57
really mean they'll be great in recipes so A is out.. what about B the writer
- 01:01
definitely thinks the carrots are nutritious it's right there in the text
- 01:04
however that means we don't infer it from the passage it just explicitly
- 01:08
state it, so B is out too, how about C well this one's not looking great we know
- 01:13
that the author says carrots have high nutritional value but it's a bit of a [Girl sat by a window eating a carrot]
- 01:16
leap from that to the author thinking people should eat them so C is gone
- 01:19
too, what about D? well this one's a much better fit from carrots are among the
- 01:24
most disgusting vegetables in the world we can pretty easily infer that the
- 01:28
writer hates carrot what's more from their noting of carrots high nutritional
- 01:33
value we can also infer that the writer can see the benefits of carrots even if [Writer inspecting a carrot]
- 01:37
they may or may not despise them which means that option D is our correct
- 01:41
answer and hey no big deal that the writer isn't into carrots that just
- 01:45
means more for the super bunnies.. Hey marvel were smelling a new Avenger here
- 01:49
what do you think [Bunny using laser vision]
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