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6th Grade Videos 46 videos
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Main Idea 1. Which of the statements is best supported by the passage?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Point of View. Is the statement in the video true or false?
ELA Drills, Intermediate: Textual Analysis 3. Which of the following best summarizes the author's feelings about welfare?
ELA 6: Yo, Yo, Yo! 136 Views
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Discerning fact from opinion is one of the most important skills a person can learn. If you can't master it, though, that's okay--just go into politics.
- 00:01
No So by now you probably understand the difference between
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facts and opinions In fact you probably think you could
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tell them apart as easily as cats and dogs However
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sometimes they're not that easy to tell apart like this
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cat with floppy ears or this dog with whiskers a
Full Transcript
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long tail and a penchant for knocking glassware off countertops
- 00:22
Anyway Let's get to the facts As you might remember
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facts are statements that air indisputably true like the earth
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is round on the other hand Opinions air judgments based
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on someone's feelings No a statement like earth is the
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prettiest planet isn't a fact but it's an opinion no
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matter how many love struck astronauts try to convince you
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otherwise while facts and opinions are different beast they can
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sometimes mingle making things up a bit messy We often
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see it in memoirs which are told from someone's perspective
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about their own life When you look back at your
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memories it's tough to do it with the clinical objective
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precision of a laboratory scientist and more likely than not
- 01:01
some of your opinions are going to sneak into your
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writing to see how this mingling of fact and opinion
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Happens let's consider this sense Brad was the biggest meanest
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kid in our grade All right well the sentence starts
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out being well pretty factual Based on the heights and
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weights of the kids in the narrator's grade you could
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tell whether or not brad was In fact the biggest
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kid would explain all the forehead bruises but opinion starts
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to creep in with the word leanest being mean is
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well definitely not nice but the extent of brad's nastiness
- 01:31
depends on personal judgments rather than on fax Maybe the
- 01:35
narrator thanks brad's the meanest kid in their grade because
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of his habit of shoving kids into ditches But someone
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else might think the narrator's the meanest kid in class
- 01:43
because of his habit of writing mean stuff about the
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other kids Well either way it's a matter of opinion
- 01:48
So whenever you're reading keep an eye out for stray
- 01:51
opinions and it's not too much trouble Also keeping an
- 01:54
eye out for jimmy's eyeglasses lost in the last time 00:01:57.039 --> [endTime] brad shoved him into a ditch
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