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ELA 5: Claims and Counterclaims 983 Views
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If a counter shoots down your claim, does that mean they made a counter counter claim...or is that just a regular claim again? This sort of stuff keeps us up at night. But enough about that. Today's lesson is on claims and counterclaims.
- 00:04
[Coop and Dino singing]
- 00:13
Ever hear anyone to tell you to “stake your claim”? [Barbecue cooking steaks]
- 00:16
Or maybe they told you to… “claim your steak?"
- 00:18
Which is smart when a half dozen people are hovering over the grill…
- 00:22
…but…what is a claim, anyway? [Dino discussing what a claim is]
Full Transcript
- 00:24
When we make a claim, we're saying something's true.
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We’re planting a flag, saying, "Hey, this thing I'm saying? It’s totally the truth. [Astronaut planting a flag on the moon]
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Also, don’t ask why I carry this flag around with me everywhere. We all have our quirks.”
- 00:36
A counterclaim is a way to weaken that claim, or to block it. We can imagine that a claim
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and a counterclaim are kind of like a conversation between two people who disagree. [Man and woman at a debate on stage]
- 00:44
If you’re not sure what that looks like, think back to last Thanksgiving. We’ll just
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see if grandma ever gets invited back.
- 00:51
Claims and counterclaims can be found in oral arguments… or in writing.
- 00:55
Since counterclaims are all about weakening claims, it's not too surprising that they [Woman has pie thrown at her face]
- 00:59
come up in arguments.
- 01:01
In fact, if you ever find yourself in the thick of an argument, one effective trick
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is to figure out what your opponent's counterclaims might be
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and counter those counterclaims before they even come up. [Man counters a karate move]
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It’s like a chess match being played by your brain.
- 01:12
Look, ma. No hands. When arguing, there are even some handy formulas [Coop discussing formulas]
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you can use, like:
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"While it is true that X, actually Y…" or "P doesn't, in fact, disprove Q…"
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Pretty much anything that sounds like “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, but what I say is
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more important.”
- 01:28
Or how your big sister talks to you… all the time. [Big sister walks out of room]
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We can see how this might work in the hotly contested mayoral race
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between Mary's little lamb and Mayor Watkins.
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Mary knows that Watkins will probably bring up the fact that no lamb has ever been mayor.
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Which is true, as far as we know.
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So it'd be smart if she treats that as a claim, and comes up with a counterclaim to block
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the mayor's claim. Something like…
- 01:49
"While it’s true that a lamb has never been the mayor of our town, we need to recognize [Example of a claim in writing]
- 01:54
that just because something's new doesn't mean that it's baaaad. Ahem. There weren't
- 01:59
any airplanes in 1900, but today, they're flying all over the place, and we can get
- 02:03
from New York to California while taking a nap.
- 02:05
And that’s pretty cool…just like it would be pretty dang cool to have a lamb for a mayor.
- 02:10
Peace out.” If you can master counterclaims…you just
- 02:13
might make history. [Picture of lamb hung on wall]
- 02:14
Sorry, Ex-Mayor Watkins. Not everybody’s fleece can be as white as snow.
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