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Dystopian Literature Videos 33 videos
Well, if this book doesn't make you want to tape over your laptop camera, we don't know what will.
Imagine a world in which all literature was dystopian. Okay, so we may be getting to that point, 1984 and V for Vendetta helped start it all.
By the end of this video, you will be brainwashed. There's nothing you can do about it; we just wanted to let you know. We like to think we're bigg...
Dystopian Literature 19 1984 Keywords 124 Views
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Who is Big Brother? What is Newspeak? What is doublethink? We hope you don't get these wrong...Big Brother is watching.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in Dystopian literature Nineteen Eighty four
- 00:08
key wards last month Who is big brother right The
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idea of big brother which is a government that's watching
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you a paternalistic state Which means the state that acts
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like a heavy handed parents telling you what to do
Full Transcript
- 00:27
and how to behave What is new speak you speak
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which is in this novel coined by the government It's
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the language that they allow people to speak and it's
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a word that you sometimes hear now when people are
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talking about like you know weapons of mass destruction when
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that became a part of the american vocabulary different types
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of jargon that we all start using that's sort of
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similar to new speak because it's another organization the government
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influencing what we say and by extension how we think
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about the world what is double think so part of
- 01:10
double think is when people are able to hold two
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contradicting cots simultaneously And basically what this means is everyone
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is scared of committing what's called thought crime which is
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thinking things that they are not allowed to think in
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this society And so when the language of newspeak is
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perfected supposedly thought crime will be literally impossible No one
- 01:37
will even be able to imagine anything that doesn't fit
- 01:42
into this like idealized society Who is big brother What 00:01:51.779 --> [endTime] is new speak What is double think
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