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Cyberbullying Videos 7 videos
In our first video on cyberbullying get a general overlook of what this series of videos will offer.
In this video from our cyberbullying course, learn that the perfect cyber crime isn't so perfect afterall.
Cyberbullying: Cybercide 1566 Views
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In this video from our cyberbullying course, learn that the perfect cyber crime isn't so perfect afterall.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in cyberbullying allah shmoop cyber side
- 00:09
the perfect crime or rather the perfect belief That's what
- 00:13
you aimed to dio could be your neighbor your little
- 00:15
brother or the guy who believe you all less here
- 00:17
calling you a democrat while you were attending east wyoming
Full Transcript
- 00:20
high You want to mess with that guy now and
- 00:23
not get caught You look at those other cyber bullies
- 00:26
have gotten in trouble and you think that's not going
- 00:28
to be me So you engineer the perfect crime All
- 00:33
right well you know they can't trace you if you
- 00:35
just pay cash at a kinko's ten miles out of
- 00:37
town And while you're sitting there you opened a free
- 00:40
brand new yahoo email account And from that account you
- 00:43
post all kinds of pictures of that east wyoming high
- 00:46
guy accusing him of being on or know of vegetarian
- 00:50
it's the worst insult you can think of it All
- 00:54
right Well there will be no trace here Back to
- 00:56
you Right You falsified your profile info Made a fake
- 01:00
address fake everything And then you create a new facebook
- 01:03
account using all that fake yahoo email address info stuff
- 01:07
It's air tight can't be traced you've thought everything through
- 01:11
right Sandy sanderson and friend requests his bully and yeah
- 01:18
you're appearing here is a female better be easy prey
- 01:22
should just be a matter of seconds that east wyoming
- 01:24
high bully spends practically all day on facebook and he
- 01:27
accept every friend request especially from good looking girls Two
- 01:32
minutes later it's bingo you're in you start with just
- 01:36
a friendly post a how you been jeremy He responds
- 01:39
pretending he knows this sandy character a few more chit
- 01:42
chatty things and then you unleash is that a mustache
- 01:46
on your lip or eyeliner Hey eight face did you
- 01:49
never evolve Maybe take a bath once in a while
- 01:51
you smell in real life You're friends with his sister
- 01:55
So you've got all kinds of juicy personal info in
- 01:58
your arsenal to go after i'm with insults You even
- 02:01
mock up a picture of him holding a global warming
- 02:04
is a problem sign and then things get nasty he
- 02:08
deletes your post and unfriend you But by now it's
- 02:11
too late His friends have seen the picture they know
- 02:14
he's a bed wetter thanks jeremy sister that one really
- 02:18
Hit the spot Hey jeremy you wear depends who That
- 02:22
one hit below the belt literally And the bed wetting
- 02:25
bully who has always had a short fuse loses it
- 02:29
but you got him back So all school now right
- 02:31
But now fast forward a day of teasing and stewing
- 02:34
and well in wyoming they have guns Jeremy grabs his
- 02:37
dad semiautomatic out of the bedroom goes to the mall
- 02:41
and just opens fire It gets off a ton arounds
- 02:47
and ends up killing a dozen innocent people including six
- 02:50
kids before he's finally shot down and killed by a
- 02:53
cop Wow yeah that that escalated in a hurry didn't
- 02:57
it Well you don't have much love lost for jeremy
- 03:00
but you really didn't expect him to go nuts and
- 03:02
kill a bunch of people right And he's dead that's
- 03:06
fair punishment for some bullying facebook post right now things
- 03:11
are a mess There are cops swarming all over the
- 03:13
place They want to know why this happened Cops fbi
- 03:18
cia and are a man Could you have predicted the
- 03:23
explosion Probably not But are you guilty of gross negligence
- 03:28
manslaughter some of their crime that warrants a whole lot
- 03:31
of bully friendly prison time Maybe we'll think about the
- 03:35
law You have the right to a trial by a
- 03:37
jury of your peers Well who are the pierced For
- 03:41
the most part parents are well children at least And
- 03:44
this event was on the news locally Every night for
- 03:47
a month the prosecutors in cops and everyone else are
- 03:51
looking for someone to blame Odds are really good that
- 03:54
they'll work hard to find someone to throw under the
- 03:57
bus but you don't really have any tracks to cover
- 04:00
right You did a good job keeping your hands clean
- 04:02
right Not so much So let's go back over the
- 04:06
likely steps from here Well first the authorities are going
- 04:08
to go through the shooter's computer In fact they don't
- 04:11
even need his computer to do so They could just
- 04:14
get the data right from facebook Thank you marc They'll
- 04:16
quickly see the exchange between the bully and the victim
- 04:19
and well of course they all want a question that
- 04:21
exchange But you were smarter than the smartest guys at
- 04:25
the cia and the nsa Right That second phd from
- 04:29
stanford's computer science department Really help you Oh wait that
- 04:33
wasn't you getting that second phd from stanford Well then
- 04:37
yet you're screwed Here's Why everything that you type or
- 04:40
anyone else types get stored the data from here You're
- 04:44
home keyboard or that of kinko's to the local telephone
- 04:47
company where it's safe and well it then goes out
- 04:50
into the greater internet beyond as part of the data
- 04:53
there's usually a direct or indirect address that goes with
- 04:57
any posting or account Creation or other formal form of
- 05:00
storing things that address is called an i p address
- 05:04
or an internet protocol address and a typical one when
- 05:07
it looks like this the number's operate like zip and
- 05:11
area codes so that the routers can route data from
- 05:14
the right computer to the right computer It's always four
- 05:17
numbers separated by periods each number khun b between zero
- 05:21
and two hundred fifty five that's two hundred fifty six
- 05:24
possibilities for each slot and every number represents eight bit
- 05:29
or one bite of information that identifies your computer as
- 05:33
well yours without an i p address you don't really
- 05:36
have anywhere to receive data so in order to be
- 05:39
on the internet generally speaking you need one There are
- 05:43
ways to get around this issue Well that's second phd
- 05:45
at stanford would have shown you how but while you're
- 05:48
still just in high school and you're like a b
- 05:50
minus student so sorry you're going to be arrested instead
- 05:53
no future for you kit goes by the way has
- 05:56
its own security router at its stores So it's ipe
- 05:59
addressing is cl clear and standard and it would have
- 06:02
taken an investigator five minutes tto learn that the facebook
- 06:05
account was created in this state in this county in
- 06:09
this inner lot of bank of computers controlled by the
- 06:12
local phone company and from this computer it was done
- 06:16
at four Thirty eight pm and wonder if there are
- 06:19
any fingerprints left on the computer where gloves much Ah
- 06:24
yeah i didn't think about that one did you Oh
- 06:26
in the kinko store Security cameras Yeah they work Oh
- 06:30
there you are Say cheese and it's not just the
- 06:32
government sharpies from the ai who could get this information
- 06:36
anyone can use who is which is a rough way
- 06:39
of assigning i p addresses the physical addresses frighteningly easy
- 06:44
but it gets worse It is highly likely that we
- 06:47
have satellite photos from up on high quietly snapping every
- 06:50
five minutes or so Pictures of the ground below It
- 06:53
was a nice sunny day And what law Check out
- 06:56
this stored satellite photo of the government breaking your civil
- 06:58
rights Well maybe they broke him Maybe they didn't but
- 07:02
a dozen dead bodies half of them little kids And
- 07:05
they really don't care a whole lot right now about
- 07:07
your civil rights So how about the rights of the
- 07:10
kids to not be gunned down in a mall Oh
- 07:13
and guess what Here's your truck Not another purple truck
- 07:16
around for miles and miles and miles and satellites don't
- 07:20
charge anything extra for a time stamp And yet looks
- 07:24
like that truck was parked outside this kinko's at exactly
- 07:27
for thirty eight p M and you're thinking about all
- 07:30
this as the prosecuting attorney is asking you why you
- 07:33
went to such pains to drive all that way Toe
- 07:36
hide actions you clearly took and subsequently denied when the
- 07:41
cops first i asked you about it Oh and it
- 07:44
gets worse Your cell phone was left on Well cellphones
- 07:47
hand off their signals from tower to tower So in
- 07:50
fact you could easily be traced within the vicinity And
- 07:52
it's clear that the handoffs happened along this freeway route
- 07:55
right here And lead you right to the kinko's Yeah
- 07:58
right here Anyway becomes clear that it is was you
- 08:01
who was sending the harassing messages that triggered everything that
- 08:05
changed the town's life No doubt about it to a
- 08:08
jury of your peers So let's assess are you criminally
- 08:14
liable Maybe Or maybe You'll get off after a few
- 08:18
hundred thousand dollars of legal bills Are you civilly liable
- 08:22
Like could the families of the dead victims sue you
- 08:25
for being reckless and endangering Well they can definitely sue
- 08:30
you They may or may not win but lots and
- 08:33
lots of lawyers would line up for free to sue
- 08:35
you and your family If you're under eighteen you know
- 08:38
they're liable if you're under eighteen for things like this
- 08:41
And even if the lawyers didn't win a cash settlement
- 08:44
the odds that they bankrupt you and your family just
- 08:46
from the legal defense bills were really high And lastly
- 08:51
what about crazy uncle larry the uncle of one of
- 08:53
the dead children that the guy slaughtered in the hall
- 08:57
Larry adored little lucy who has now gone from this
- 08:59
world what you think larry has seen the movie seven
- 09:03
Well he's just waiting to find a time when you're
- 09:04
all alone in a parking lot where you have a
- 09:07
nice cot waiting for you in his nondescript all white
- 09:10
van Yeah and it's not just bullies who can use
- 09:13
your online presence toe hurt you people have logged on
- 09:16
to twitter and gone On a rant about politics or
- 09:19
sexuality or religion and the next thing they know they're
- 09:22
out of a job Others have posted that they're on
- 09:25
vacation in costa rica for the week And when they
- 09:28
arrive back home they find that their entire house has
- 09:31
been cleaned out He's Pretty much for sale on ebay
- 09:34
done by some burglar who was very grateful for all
- 09:37
the free information Well it may help to be familiar
- 09:40
with the language of the internet too Not just your
- 09:42
own g's and ella wells A handful of important terms
- 09:46
will help you understand how a cyber bully might track
- 09:48
you down and what you can do to hopefully keep
- 09:51
him or her or it out of your life Is
- 10:05
there such a thing as the perfect crime Is it
- 10:09
possible to glean the rial identity of the person that
- 10:12
you're talking to in a chat room How likely is
- 10:15
it that a cyber bullying victim will do something drastic
- 10:20
Should cyber bullies be held criminally liable In some cases 00:10:24.059 --> [endTime] How about in all cases The perfect crime
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