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Common Core 8th Grade 1.3 Reading Literary Texts. Which evidence from the text best supports the inference that Gorgons are dangerous?
Whale, whale, whale...what have we got here? Looks like a question about what Kipling was trying to achieve in "How the Whale Got His Throat." Fun...
Common Core 4.6 Reading Literary Text 399 Views
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Whale, whale, whale...what have we got here? Looks like a question about what Kipling was trying to achieve in "How the Whale Got His Throat." Fun fact, the whale translated copy of that is called "WHOOAAAOOOHHHHEEEEEEEEHOOO Throat." Wait. There's not a word in whale for "throat"? What a load of carp.
- 00:04
Here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by one fish, two fish, red
- 00:06
fish, astute fish well this Dr. Seuss knockoff is the [Man reading a book to two little girls]
- 00:10
worst alright so take a gander at the following paragraph [mumbling]
- 00:14
- 00:18
....all right now the question select a statement that
Full Transcript
- 00:23
best explains why the author chose to include this paragraph and here your
- 00:27
potential answers maybe he got paid by the word...
- 00:32
So let's think about what Kipling was trying to do in that paragraph decide [Bpy falling asleep on a desk]
- 00:35
tell a great bedtime story while the author does name a whole bunch of
- 00:38
different fish when he describes the whales ocean sized buffet this isn't [Whale swimming in the ocean]
- 00:42
really mentioned in the rest of the story so A is not our answer how about
- 00:46
C? Kipling doesn't talk about protecting the ocean anywhere in this [Kipling typing on a typewriter]
- 00:49
paragraph and just so stories was published back in 1902
- 00:54
we're doubting that environmental protection was on his mind way back then [Woman pushes man into a room]
- 00:57
so C is incorrect as for D well the paragraph might start all rhymey but it
- 01:02
drops off pretty quickly and doesn't really come back much in the rest of the
- 01:05
text so answer D is wrong wrong wrong.. That leaves us with B Kipling makes a [Boy with his hands on his head in frustration]
- 01:10
point of talking about all of the things that his whale will eat and the whale
- 01:14
even says i'm hungry in the text we get the feeling that this whale is
- 01:19
hungrier than a hobbit at second breakfast so B is the correct answer and [hobbit stood outside a house]
- 01:23
speaking of second breakfast we're pretty hungry we skipped our fourth breakfast
- 01:26
this morning three just wasn't cutting it. [girl asking for one more pancake]
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